Part 2

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Stiffly, Natsuki sat up, lifting her numb arms to cover the bruises. She scrambled for something, anything, to say. "I-I, uhh..."

It didn't matter, Yuri finally met her eye and wow she could look absolutely terrifying when she wanted to. Her pupils were dilated, her chest heaving. "Who did this to you, Natsuki?" She spoke quietly, but without a hint of a tremor in her voice. Somehow that made her a lot scarier. She raised her voice a little, "Who?"

Natsuki worked her jaw, toying with her reply. Sure, Yuri was terrifying but she wasn't afraid for herself. More like afraid for the person who'd hurt her. She trusted Yuri, she made her Protected

She almost spat something about it being none of her business, but she'd been moaning and writhing beneath her not even a minute ago so it was more than likely Yuri's business to know. "M-My, um...My dad."

Looking at the floor, Natsuki trailed little lines with her eyes along the imperfections in the linoleum. Yuri would likely pipe up with the whole 'this was a mistake' line. After all, why would she want to be with someone so hideously broken?

Instead she felt a gentle hand on her shoulder and that was all it took for the intrusive thoughts to vanish. She glanced up again to find Yuri's expression had softened into concern and sympathy. Hmm, no pity or disgust. Weird. "Natsuki, I...I had no idea." Yuri shifted, wrapping her arm around Natsuki's shoulder. Huffing, she allowed her head to rest against the other girl's body.

She smelled nice.

"Do you, um...Want to talk about it?" Her shy nature was back, leaving no trace of the confident, unhinged Yuri from only a minute ago.

The timer for the oven alerted her of the cupcakes she was supposed to be making and shattered the heavy atmosphere around the two of them. Suddenly she felt awkward and suffocated. This was too much. It was too real.

"No I don't. Obviously." Pushing Yuri away from her, Natsuki jumped up on shaking legs and adjusted her clothing accordingly, working to take the cupcakes out of the oven with weak arms.

She'd just made out with Yuri on a kitchen floor. It had gotten pretty heated. Natsuki wondered what it would have led to if they hadn't stopped.

And she really didn't want to dwell on how disappointed she was that it hadn't led to anything.

She refused to look at Yuri as she pretended to be busy with rolling out the fondant, who hadn't moved from her space on the floor. Out of the corner of her eye she saw she was staring at her hands. Ugh, she felt so guilty.

"What? Are you just gonna sit like a lost puppy or help out?"

Yuri flinched then slowly stood up and made her way out of the room.

Yeah, good going, Nat. You scared her off again.

Exhaling quietly, Natsuki began to prepare the cooled batch of cupcakes with a thin layer of buttercream then rolled out blue fondant where the words would lie. She'd gotten around halfway done and still no sign of Yuri. Maybe she should go check on her?

She washed up a little before abandoning her workplace to search for her friend. Wait, were they still friends? This was gonna be confusing and overwhelmingly real to talk about, but that wasn't on the forefront of her mind right now.

She made her way upstairs, listening intently for any sounds down the corridor. "Yuri?" She called out. Nothing. Oh, wait! A noise from the bathroom.


Yuri? Was she in pain? Or was that..pleasure? It was definitely moaning of some sort. And Natsuki really wasn't sure which of the two options she'd prefer.

knives and bruises a yuri x natsuki fanficWhere stories live. Discover now