Part 8

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After a little while of sniffling Monika had calmed herself enough to put on a brave face, her determination to be strong for Sayori overwhelming her sadness. The air was heavy with a mutual mood. They were all worried about their friend.

There had been some sign ups since the festival, however, so they decided it was in the club's best interest to wait around for a little while.

Natsuki trailed behind Monika to the school bathroom along the hall to clean up while Yuri waited behind on look out duty. With years of social practice behind her back Monika had become an incredibly easy friend to have as she always brought up fresh conversation topics and rarely left anyone out. It was a blessing for a vast majority of the time, but for times like now she knew to just hold her tongue.

Monika just stared at herself in the mirror with tired eyes and Natsuki kept her own eye on her as she checked herself out. Damn, she looked, and felt, like crap. Beside her Monika finally sighed and pulled out a little emergency makeup kit from her handbag. She didn't think she needed it, Monika looked barely any different with or without the stuff, but it made her feel better about herself and that's what mattered. She tossed Natsuki a fresh wipe before beginning to remove her thin layer of tear-streaked makeup. Natsuki didn't wear it herself, just some concealer now and again if she had any acne, but the wipe was refreshing and helped clear her face.

Monika had already begun applying a little foundation to her cheeks when she caught Natsuki's eyes in the mirror, a knowing smile on her face. At least she'd cheered up a bit. "So...You and Yuri?"

Natsuki raised an eyebrow at her. "What about us?"

"You two have been acting particularly cosy around each other lately..." she winked and bumped her with her hip, to which Natsuki groaned and crossed her arms.

"It's not like that!"

"Uh huh," Monika grinned prettily, reaching for her mascara. "You were there fairly late last night too..." Natsuki shoved her this time and her friend just laughed. "But, seriously, Natsuki. You know youbcan tell me and Sayo anything."

"I know," she sighed, glancing at herself. The other two had far too much on their plates right now, but...soon.

Her friend packed up her makeup quickly once she was satisfied. "C'mon, let's head back. If anyone's shown up poor Yuri will be so out of her element."

Natsuki agreed and the two travelled back to the clubroom in a peaceful silence. Thoughts of Sayori flicked through her mind and she wondered if she would want her and Yuri to visit her in the hospital. Monika had mentioned that she planned on visiting her every day after school and weekends to keep her company until she could return home, the loneliness in that place must be suffocating. Perhaps they could join Monika's visit one day?

Monika gasped loudly as she flung the door open. "Yuri! Is it too optimistic to assume you lured someone with an interest in here?!"

Natsuki peered past her friend. Yuri was sitting at two conjoined desks and another girl had pulled up a chair beside her. They both had identical books out on the desk and had seemed to be in deep conversation before they had interrupted them. Yuri beamed up at the two that had just entered. "Natsuki! Monika! This is Elyssa, she would like to join the club. And she has read 'The Portrait of Markov', too!" Throbbing heat began to rise up Natsuki's chest, her palms becoming clammy as her heart raced. Was that...jealousy? No, it couldn't be, right? She wasn't that sensitive to things like that...

Or maybe she was. Elyssa was really pretty, she could see that with her long, blonde hair and curvy figure. She was tall, like Yuri, and wore loose jewelery along her throat and wrists. She looked too normal to be here, a bit like Monika. And she seemed real cosy over there with Yuri...

Monika was practically bouncing on the spot. "Welcome, Elyssa!" When Natsuki didn't say anything she shoved her a little. "Natsuki, be nice."

"O-Oh, yeah. Hey." She needed to sit down. Slumping into the nearest seat, she stared at the imperfections on the surface of the desk. She felt the crushing weight of Yuri's eyes on her, likely concerned, but she ignored them. Let her stare.

This really didn't feel good and she wasn't 100% sure why. She wasn't a jealous person usually...or maybe she really was and Yuri had brought it out of her? Either way, she hated whatever the hell was rolling through her head right now. She wanted to scream and cry and tell it to stop.

"So, what brought you to our neck of the woods?" Monika's voice. Natsuki wasn't watching at this point, just listening.

"Well, I love reading. That's the first step in a literature club, right? And I saw this advertised at the festival and figured it couldn't hurt to sign up. And thank God I did, I thought I'd never find someone else who's read this damn book!" Yuri laughed at that, sending another twinge to Natsuki's heart. Yeah, definitely jealousy.

Is this what Sayori felt towards Monika's other friends? Was this even normal? Probably not.

"Well today will be pretty slow with our vice prez being off sick. We're just milling around to see if anyone else shows up!" Monika sounded really happy.

Everyone is happier without you.

Shut up. Shut up. Shut up.

"So, what else do you read?" Monika threw question after question to Elyssa, which all received enthusiastic answers. As she did so a few other people, all Monika's friends, wandered in and joined their conversation in hopes of expanding the club.

They all sat together and chatted about literature, even Yuri spoke up a fair bit, and suddenly Natsuki began to feel alienated. She didn't belong here, she only read manga. That was hardly literature in the others' eyes. Monika didn't need her here anymore, she had real club members now, she should just leave so they could enjoy their club in peace...

A gentle hand on her shoulder shocked her back into reality. She looked up to meet Yuri's eye, a concerned look on her face. Natsuki glanced around to find the clubroom nearly empty, only Monika and a couple of her friends still remained, chatting between themselves. She hadn't evening realised they had been dismissed. No sign of Elyssa, fortunately.

"Would you like to walk home together?" Natsuki glared at the floor, slinging her backpack over her shoulder as she stood up.

"Go walk with Elyssa." Ouch. Well, that sounded incredibly bitchy. Yuri just blinked at her, confused.

"Why would I do that?" Natsuki let out a frustrated sound, shaking her head. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine! Leave me alone!" She made a break for the door and got halfway down the corridor before a gentle hand on her wrist halted her.

She sighed defeated. She wanted to kiss Yuri and hold her close while simultaneously shout at her and push her away. God, her emotions were really confusing her right now

They seemed to confuse Yuri too. "Please do not lie to me, I can see right through that." She kept her hand clasped around Natsuki's. "What is the matter, Natsuki? Have I done something wrong?"

Natsuki turned to face her. She shifted her weight on her feet awkwardly. "No, you haven't."

Yuri rubbed her thumb over Natsuki's knuckles, reassuring her. "I-I do not understand what is wrong...What are you feeling?"

Natsuki grumbled, her free hand resting on her hip. "Overwhelmed, I guess?" Thank fuck the hallways were clear, she'd be mortified if anyone else heard her say this emotional crap.

A sad, knowing smile played at Yuri's lips. "If this is too much for you I will back off for a while, I-"

"No!" Natsuki interrupted. She had the wrong idea. "Not at all, I just..." she huffed, averting her eyes. "I guess I didn't expect this to feel as bad as it is good." She sounded dumb, she knew that, but she didn't care.

Suddenly, Yuri clicked on. "Oh! I-I understand, I can get a little like that too," she looked a little sheepish as she said that, even nervous? "Is there anything I can do to help?"

Natsuki shook her head firmly. This was her own personal issue that she had to work through herself. " you?"

Yuri sent her a pretty smile. "I can certainly do that."

knives and bruises a yuri x natsuki fanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora