Part 17

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The film actually ended up being alright. Natsuki doubted she would willingly see it again but it hadn't exactly been uneventful. The credits rolled around while the lights gradually brightened the room once more and the people surrounding them started to chat and fuss about.

Monika caught her eye briefly, gesturing a nod towards her and Yuri's locked hands with a cheeky grin. Surprised, Natsuki flinched her hand away to cross her arms tightly over her chest; she very nearly playfully flipped Monika off but the girl had turned her attention back to Sayori already, prodding her cheek gently and muttering to her. With a mewl in protest she stirred, burrowing her head further into Monika's shoulder before blinking her eyes open fully.

She looked so innocent in that mere second of confusion. But her eyes soon glazed over with shock as she sat up, her head darting around her. "I slept through the whole thing?!"

Monika giggled, kissing her cheek before standing up and offering her a helpful hand. "You did, sleepyhead."

Sayori pouted and took a firm hold of her girlfriend's waiting hand, using it as leverage to jump to her feet. "Oh well. I'm starving!" The sudden, drastic change of mood was pretty...unsettling, to say the least.

They made their way out of the cinema and along to the cafe they had arranged to eat at, chatting about the film. Yuri and Monika seemed to have loved it, which made sense as it was totally their thing. Since the cafe was only a brief walking distance they decided to take the stroll in the Autumn breeze instead of drive, especially as Monika had mentioned something about saving the environment and petrol fumes. As they walked Sayori just continued to whine about missing the whole film; after the fourth or fifth time she brought it up her girlfriend offered her a quick kiss and made a promise that they'd rent it out and have a movie night once available, which seemed to cheer Sayori up even further. They were a sweet couple, she thought again. For like the tenth time that day.

"Sayo," Natsuki started, since she would get no where with Yuri or Monika right now with the way their conversation was heading. "What're you gonna get?"

Sayori's face contorted with thought as she pondered her reply. "Something sweet. The hospital food sucks. I can't wait to actually eat some real food!"

"I bet," Natsuki laughed. Seeing Sayori so cheerful again warmed her heart. "So what've you and Moni got planned for later?"

The couple waved them off from the car as Monika drove away from the house en route to her own home. Natsuki let out a relieved breath as she watched the tail end of it disappear around a corner; on their drive home Sayori had questioned why her and Yuri had asked to be dropped off at Yuri's together. Natsuki had swallowed her pride and spat some unconvincing lie about homework she needed help with, which Sayori seemed to roll with. Her suspicious would only grow with time, though.

The second the front door shut with a slight click Natsuki made a grab for Yuri's wrist, spinning her around to face her. "You're a freaking tease," she growled, pulling her down forcefully to her level and claiming her lips. Yuri squeaked, obviously surprised, before she slackened and gripped Natsuki's waist.

"What did I do?" She asked breathlessly with a pretty little smile as they drew back. That was a good question, actually. And she wasn't entirely sure she had a convincing answer. Had it been the cinema? The car? How she had ran the edge of her boots up and down her legs in the cafe..?

"Just...ugh!" Using the arms she had locked around her neck she pulled her back for another, fervent kiss. With slightly inelegant movements she guided Yuri backwards through the doorway to the living room, where the back of Yuri's knees hit the edge of the sofa and coaxed her to sit. Natsuki keenly climbed onto her lap, ensuring her legs straddled her waist tightly as they continued to kiss.

knives and bruises a yuri x natsuki fanficحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن