No Choice~Chapter 6

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3rd Person P.O.V. 

They were all discussing ways to get rid of Michael and end all of this once and for all when all of a sudden they heard footsteps approaching them, "Put your hands up!" They demanded they all looked to see who was saying this, and to their surprise it was..... "Toby" Rowen said in a surprised voice "put down the gun" he yelled, he had a gun pointed right at Aaron "no!" Toby yelled "He's the one who caused all of this, if he is dead all of this would be over!" He was grasping the gun tightly "you don't have to do this" Rowen said in a soft voice "yes I do" Toby said before pulling the trigger there was a loud bang and everyone was horrified when they saw what happened.They saw Rowen standing in front of Aaron with a bulled wedged in his stomach Aaron started crying as Rowen fell to the ground. They all knelt down beside him "no!" Aaron yelled in agony as he was about to loose another loved one "It's okay Aaron" Rowen said "Why" Aaron cried "Why did you do that for me" "because I promised your dad to protect you" he said weakly "I had no choice" and with those words he was gone, he left this cruel world forever. Everyone was upset but they had to end all of this for Rowen. They went to a different room as to focus on thinking of a plan. "How can we get rid of Michael for good?" Aphmau asked "I have an idea" Kim or rather Ghost said "what is it?" Zane asked "Well there is a way to destroy Michael but it needs some explaining" Ghost said "Go ahead" Katelyn said "Well when I was alive there were some special objects that were owned by six people those objects were crystals." "Crystals?" Aaron asked "Not just any crystals these are the most powerful objects in the world and if they all were used together they could take down any enemy" Ghost explained "But how does this help us?" Garroth asked "This helps us because the grandchildren of all six of those people can control the crystals, and those grandchildren are you six" she pointed to Aphmau, Aaron, Zane, Nana, Katelyn,  and Lucinda "We are!?" They all yelled "wait how do you know?" Aaron questioned "because I can tell by your presence it is the same your grandparents had" she answered "so what do we have to do?" Nana asked "Well crystals work as relics they give you power and protect you but they can't wear out they stay strong forever" Ghost said "So They give you strength when you use them all of you have to have you have to have your grandparents crystal and all of them together should be able to destroy Michael" She said "But while we are doing this won't we hurt Travis" Katelyn asked "yes so while you are fighting him you have to use the realm breaker on Travis to trap him in another realm while you kill Michael" Ghost explained "won't that kill him!?" Katelyn yelled "No, not if you get him out fast" Ghost said  "Wait" Nana said "what" Zane asked "We don't have the crystals" Nana said "Yes we do they were hidden under the realm breaker" Ghost said "Then let's do this" Aaron said.

Hi I'm supper sorry for not updating for like a month but I was super busy with school but since it is summer there will be more updates! Again I'm super sorry!



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