Part 12-Another Day!!!

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Lou was done changing and went downstairs with Nolan to eat some breakfast, Lou just ate quietly and a bit worried when Nolan noticed and asked....

Nolan: Lou , what did dream about?


Nolan: Lou?

Lou just then tilted his head and look straight to nolan's eyes, he hold nolan's hand and said with a small smile...

Lou: babe, i'm don't have to worry...

Nolan: don't have to worry? but lou you were...

Lou: I know, and i promise you that won't happened again...alright?

Lou said calmly but Nolan is still worried but he just smiled and once they are done eating lou took the plates and washed it. Nolan and lou for some fresh air and as they got out The two can't stop being sweet to each other, the other dolls notice as they start whispering ,Nolan notice of how the dolls look at them and of how they are talking ,Nolan got nervous as he holds lou's arm tightly. They have stop by at a coffee shop ,they were about to order some coffee but then the employee of the coffee shop said cheerfully...

Employee: aw well aren't you two just cute, here you go! cappuccino iced tea heart...

The employee gave the two one cappuccino  iced tea with whipped cream on stop and two bendy straws . The two got nervous and look each other as lou whispered..

Lou: hey should we take it? or deny that we're a thing?

Nolan: i didn't expect this to did they knew?

Lou: Calm down babe , it's gonna be alright...

So they just smiled nervously to the employee and just took the iced tea, As they sat down, Nolan got so nervous that he started to seat...Lou noticed and tried to calm him down, Nolan just then smiled as he calms down...they both drank the cappuccino iced tea with the bendy straws As they look at each others eyes (y'know like a a couples) . The drink was almost empty and as they were done they paid it and left, Nolan still feels nervous when they got outside, Lou noticed and said calmly...

Lou: hey baby, can we just tell them?

Nolan: what why?

Lou: it'll be much more easier for us to date, and that we don't have to hide it  anymore...please?

Nolan: I don't know lou, i mean what if they make fun of us?....what if they'll hate us? and might even try breaking us apart?

Lou:Nolan!!! Babe!!! don't think like that! no matter what happens, i will never let anyone tear us matter how painful and how hard it could get, i will always be yours and you will always be mine.. i promise you that!

Lou said as he kisses nolan's forehead making nolan blush as they noticed that students and other employees were staring at them, Nolan got nervous as he hid himself behind lou, lou then got nervous as well but breathe in and had the courage to hold nolan's hand making nolan stop hiding and lou said out loud...

Lou: Everyone! Listen up! i have something to say! which is very obvious right now but....Me..AND...Nolan! are...a official couple!

Everyone gasp as they got speechless as lou continue to talk out loud....

Lou:  i hope all of you would accept our relationship!

Boy Doll: so Wait! Does that mean Your bot GAY?!

Lou: um...YES, WE ARE!!!  a bit shocking i know! but this is who we really are!!! we love each other!!! We care for each other and i hope all of you would understand.please...

lou x nolan (Loulan)-can't help falling in love.Where stories live. Discover now