The odd time that Rosa is sick

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You were really tired after Rosa Coughing all night. You tried to convince her to stay home and rest but she insisted that she wasn't sick.
You got there before Rosa so it didn't look suspicious. You went to the break room to get some coffee. The coffee wasn't warm but you didn't care. You downed 1 cup before fishing the rest of the pot off.You make a fresh pot of coffee.
"Woah, slow down. Why are you chugging coffee?" Amy says while snatching the coffee cup out of your hands.
"I didn't' sleep very well. My neighbors were screaming at each other the whole night." You said while glancing at Rosa as she blew her nose.
The fresh coffee finished brewing and you took another mug and gave it to Rosa.
"Drink it. You should have stayed home like I told you." You whispered to her.
"I am fine" Rosa said bluntly
"Diaz you need to go home you are obviously sick. I am not letting you work any further." Captain Holt says to Rosa while she is trying to hold back her cough.
"Fine. Can Y/N take me home?" Rosa says looking and you and Holt
"I didn't know she knew where you lived. She can take you home." You and Rosa grab your stuff put on your helmets and head to your motorcycle. You arrived at home with Rosa you gave her hot water, tissues, cough drops and cough syrup.
"I don't know why Holt sent me home. I am fine." Rosa says to you while gesturing you to pass her the tissues.
"Sure babe. Whatever keeps you at home" You say sarcastically as you give her a kiss on the forehead. You go back to work and you see Jake, Charles and Amy at the elevator door.
"Since when did you know where Rosa lived." Amy asked you while Jake and Charles stare at you in confusion.
"Since the day I met her. She invited me over for drinks. And before you ask I am not telling you guys where she lives." You say looking at all of them in a serious tone.
"We have known her years and we still don't know where she lives. You meant her a few months ago and you probably know more about her than us." Jake says to you.
"I am just going to get to work now. Have fun trying to get me to tell you where Rosa lives" You as you started walking to your desk.
The whole day people were bribing you left and right, bring you treats and drinks. It was pretty nice since you didn't have you to get up once minus going to the bathroom.
"Something is up with Y/N, I am going to follow her home." Jake says to Amy
"Don't do that. She will kill you if you do that. I know you want to know where Rosa lives but just respect both of their privacy." Amy says to Jake in a more serious tone.
You pack up your stuff and head home to Rosa. You open the door and Rosa is knocked out on the couch. You pick her up new wed style and put her to bed. She groaned, you gave her a kiss on the cheek and she went into deep sleep. You get something to eat and get ready for bed. You were exhausted at this point.

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