{5} I Hate Surprises

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Getting into the main plot now - hope I get a few more readers :P and also possibly some comments?? Maybe? Possibly? Hopefully? Not really?

Please listen to the song on the side, Chronicles of a Fallen Love -it's SO COOL. The picture is of Bo. 

Read on.


I was sitting on the audience seats in the gym on the Friday of that week, waiting for the trio to finish basketball practice before Neil's Halloween party, it's going to be really great.

I'm here now; I've brought my stereo as well. Tell Neil and his posse to move their asses. Neil's Dad re-married Bo's mum so they're half-siblings. Bo was coerced into 'chaperoning' Neil's Halloween party, which basically meant that she had to show up -bring alcohol and some hot friends- and as long as she cleans up any messes then everything is okay. 

I was getting a lift with Neil and co, and then Bo and I would get changed at the house. That’s why I was out there after school, working through my visual communication homework, getting increasingly frustrated as Photoshop started playing up again.

"What're you doing out here?" 

Glancing up, I saw the new guy standing over me awkwardly, holding a gym bag and shuffling his feet.

“I’m working on my Viscom homework, what’re you doing?” I replied off-handedly, eyeing the gym bag again.

“I’m looking for the change-rooms? Coach told me to go and-“

“They’re literally behind the door labeled ‘change rooms’. Over there, see?” I smiled to try and mitigate the tone of my words, I hadn’t meant to sound bitchy but it just came out like that.

He turned an embarrassed shade of red, scratching his head, “Oh- uh thanks.”

As he turned away I pushed up from the seat and grabbed his elbow, “Neil’s having a Halloween party at his place tonight, consider yourself invited.” I grinned hopefully, looking up through my eyelashes.

“A party? But … I don’t have a costume?”

I gave a small laugh, “with your hair, you could go as Sherlock.”

Then something weird happened, his shyness dropped for a split second and showed a smirk that was kind of familiar, but then it was gone and he turned timid and shy again, “I’ll go find my trench-coat.”

“Give me your number so I can text you the address.” I grabbed my normal phone where it sat next to my schoolbag; “I’m Wren by the way, Wren Morrigan.”

“That totally sounds like a superhero name,” He smiled, “I’m Will Blackwall.”

Will, if only you knew how wrong you were.

“See you tonight?”


“You mean you invited the new basketball boy? Why?” I was sitting behind Bo on her bed at Neil’s house, watching her put the finishing touches on her eyeliner.

I shrugged, at a loss, “I don’t know! I-“

She swiveled around, brandishing the eyeliner at me, “You like him!”

Was I blushing? If not then why was it suddenly so hot? “No!”

“Then why’d you invite him?” She put her hands on her hips, glaring at me and looking through whatever defenses I’d put up, “Shut up! I need to meet this Will.”

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