{31} In Which I'm Actually The Hero

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Storming into the room we'd arranged to meet up with, I nearly tripped over my own sister's prone form as she lied on the ground, seemingly unconscious.

As a villain you learn learn to observe the situation around you to garner what was happening quicker than you normally would. Well, needless to say when I walked through the doors the last thing I expected was to fall over someone I'd thought was a hostage.

"Oh shit- fuck-" And toppled head over heels on my face over after tripping on her leg.

I know, best entrance ever.

The gun skittered out of my hand and across the tiled floor, and from my squished spot spied a heeled boot stick out to stop it before an expertly manicured hand reached down to pick the gun up.

I'm fucked.

Angrily pushing up from the ground, I met the familiar dark blue eyes of the person who claimed to be my mother. I was never quite sure, she never acted like one. Always out with people that weren't Dad, ditching us when he got sick again, acting like she did us a favour simply by existing. She was a shit Mum really.

Rubbing my banged-up head, quickly glancing around the room. It was a simple study -desk, bookshelves, a door leading to a balcony on the side with the windows. The only one missing was the Commander, off god-knows-where trying to wrangle up any supers to our side.

My mother, stood in boots too high for her, wrapped in a dress too short for her, with hair too obviously dyed, in the middle of the room. She'd done something to Eira and Spectre, they were frozen on either side of her in the act of ... doing something? Not quite sure.

"Mum." Picking myself up off the floor, I decided to act dumb, "What the fuck are you doing here? Did you break a nail?"

Her grip on the gun tightened (I was sure that if she really wanted to she would actually shoot me, where do you think Kyle got it from?), "I heard my babies were in trouble."

"Yeah? Who told you, Pike?"

"Yes, in fact. He's a rather lovely man." Her eyes narrowed, boot clacked on the floor as she took a sure step forward.

I gritted my teeth to stop the hiss and tirade of insults that really wanted to escape. "Well, it sure looks like you've done a bang up job here," Jerking my thumb at Lise, still snoring behind me, "I should just turn around and-"

"Cut it out, Wren. You know how I hate to beat around the bush."

My lip twitched, "Yeah I do. Which is why I'm still confused as to why you're here." If you can lie to my face then I do the right back at you.

Her lips pursed together in an expression that could almost be motherly, if it wasn't so irritatingly superior. "I thought I'd take the opportunity while it was there."

Tilting my head to the side, "What do you-"

But another voice cut through the air. The owner of which I've envisioned murdering in probably a million different ways over the course of these months, and my neck ached as I whipped around to see Pike step over Annalise with an amused expression. "What Lorelai means, Miss Morrigan, is that you're not so different."


Speccy! You there?

No response.

My fist cracked from the effort of not throttling him on the spot. Wait for the opportunity, Wren. Patience. Wait for the opportunity. Patience. "I know why you're doing this."

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