{17} Villains Falling For Heroes

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I woke up the next morning warmer than I'd been in a while, with something tracing feather-light patterns on my face. 

I groaned and turned towards the hand, wanting to fall back asleep.

"Nuh-uh, Red we gotta get up." Wills soft voice urged, "C'mon, wake up."

I blinked, looking up at the ceiling as the blurriness in my vision cleared, "Urggh," I groaned, putting a pillow over my head, "I don't wanna."

I felt Will poke my shoulder; "I didn't peg you for a baby." 

"I'm not! Babies never go the fuck to sleep do they? So therefore I am not a baby." 

"How about I persuade you?" He murmured, the playful smirk on his face making my heart skip in its place.

"Hmmm..." I leant forward as if about to press my lips to his but then teleport away to the other side of the room, "Maybe later."

He rolled his eyes, turning and leaving the room with a laugh.

It seemed like the day started out all right, but I'll tell you what. It went downhill pretty fast.


"Bones? Bones, you there? This is Morrigan."

"One finds it impossible to forget your voice." He purred on the other end of the line.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes, even if he couldn't see, "I'm sure that's true."

He laughed, "What do you need?"

"Got a way of tracking down the Superhero Jet?"

"No way Wren, he's a finicky bastard. Always manages to evade any tracker I put on him... although-" There was rustling at the other end, "I do have some street names, hotspots that he's been known to hang out around. You could see him there if your lucky-streak kicks in."

"Oh my god, thank you!"

"Got a pen? You're gonna need to write these down."


Eli spread the map of the city out on the dining table as Bo made everyone coffee.

"So... the Downtown Docks... then Batman Avenue... A'Becket Avenue- huh, isn't that The Daunt?... then Sydney Close... Queen Street..." I listed off the names as Will put a red sticker on each of them, I turned to Eli, "Do we know when Stacey's getting back?"

"You did give her all of these names, it takes a while to fly to them all." He said, taking the note-pad off my hands. "There's a not that many, but they're spread out. Considering that you asked her to interview his associates and get the times out of 'em, it could take a while."

"Well yeah but-"

"You're an impatient chick aren't you?"

I narrowed my eyes at him, "No need to rub it in, mate."


I reached into the safe-zone and picked out the three phones, spreading them out on the table (I'd colour-coded them so I know which one is which). It was the phone Spectre gave me, the one that is untraceable.

"Why do you have three phones?" 

"Can't a girl live a little?" I replied, answering the phone, "Yeah?"

"Hey... it's Annalise."

"Oh..." I glanced at Eli, packing the other two phones away in the safe-zone as I walked outside for some privacy, "What's up?"

Red SpiritOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora