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(When you have to flick through previous chapters of your story to see what's happened cause you can't remember: just the writer things)

I'm officially obsessed with Lorde again -her song with Disclosure is beyond words honestly I love it. Basically that was what I was listening to (on repeat) as I wrote this chapter, so you guys can listen to it too I put it above, cause I'm just that generous.

I finished school forever... yeah... that happened.

Read on :D


"How are you planning on getting all of us into the building? You can't turn yourself in again, that would blow what little cover we have."

"I know, I know- just let me think..." I said, reaching into the safe-zone, I was cleaning it out to see if there was anything that could help. Also I needed to find the Soul of Armenia (well, the gun that Pike had turned it into for some reason) so I could adhere to the terms of this blackmail.

Or shoot him with it in style, whatever works.

"There it is," I pulled the adapted version of the Soul of Armenia out of the safe-zone. In it's gun-form, it was almost as pretty as I'd seen in all the books I had. It was more valuable in this form, but it was also useless as a weapon. On a side-note: I would totally be up for running away with this thing in tow, after taking Joshua down and all that. It would set me up for life.

He wanted it back, enough to stoop to kidnapping, which he had so far not gotten his hands dirty and suddenly he was openly admitting to it. This was valuable, not only because of the money it was worth, but for some other reason.

"Why is it so important to him?" I murmured to myself, running my fingers over the surface of the gun, considering.

"Does it matter?" Eli drew up a chair next to mine, crossing his arms on the table.

"Yes it does you moron, we can't go in this blind -my sisters life could be at stake." And I can't loose anyone else.

Argh, I was utterly disgusted with myself. I sounded like a self-righteous hero. Maybe I needed to stop thinking like one...

Suddenly I pushed away from the table, shoving everything back into the safe-zone, and grabbing the non-traceable phone, I ran out of the room without saying anything.


"I wasn't expecting your call, to say the least, but it's always a pleasure, Wren."

"Look, Bones, I know you told me to drop this-"

"And I was most likely right-"

"But I have two favours to ask ... and one of them is to do with the Soul of Armenia."

"Wren, honey, we talked through this last time. You said you'd drop it and I thought you had bigger concerns."

"These are my concerns. Plus I need your expertise with poisons -it's Kyle."

"I'm coming over."


I was leaning in the doorway as Bones bent over Kyle's still sleeping form. Arms crossed, and chewing on my lip.

"Hmmm..." He kept muttering to himself, checking Kyle's eyes and pulse.

"So what's up with him?" I said, clenching my fists to stop the worried quiver that had developed the longer Bones took to assess the situation.

Bones stood up, rubbing his face, "I'd say it's a combination of alcohol poisoning and a certain drug that they gave him to keep him from escaping."

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