Author Note

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Hello hello hello!!!!!!!!!!!! I am happy to say that it has taking me too damn long to finish this story and I feel like there is so much that I could write. There is only romance but I am building a back story for Alex. It explains the new character that has appeared recently. It has been a challenge for me to keep writing this through the ups and downs of my life. When I first started writing on Wattpad I was 13 in 8th grade.  Never did I know just how much this website would be my safe haven. Thank you to all my readers and especially my amazing girlfriend, some of you might have seen her comments through out my story ( she is the one flirting unnecessarily). I've been through 4 relationships, 2 traumas, 7 broken bones, 7 surgeries and college while writing this story. I can see my writing evolve since deciding that I was going to try and be a writer. I am no where close to being good or even great but it is something I enjoy. I appreciate all the people who read my story.
I made this note 4 years ago. My girlfriend is now my wife! However I will not be returning to Wattpad this chapter of my life is behind me. Thank you everyone who has supported me and read my story and continues to. Forever my Penguinzzz ❤️❤️❤️❤️.

Mate? Alpha? What? BoyxBoyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon