Chapter 1

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Author~ :D Hewo this is my first boyxboy and I dont know how well it will turn out so bare with me for now.


I abruptly sat up in bed, shaking my head from the nightmarish images. Getting up with unsteady legs, I walked to the bathroom turning on the shower head. Cool water cascaded down my neck seeping through my clothes. After getting my breathing under control I stepped out changing clothes and walking out of the house, I started my 10min walk to school


     Walking through the double doors I made a bee line for my locker keeping my head down. Only 10 more feet I chanted to myself, then feeling a pain in my arm I slipped to the ground. Pain exploded in my gut, "Fag" someone chuckled walking away.

          Getting up I slowly made it to my locker "Can I please beat the shit out of those asses?" Jessie ranted coming up beside me. Now Jessie and I have been friends for 3 years, last year I told her I was gay and she had a ball. Nothing could have made her happier, so to show it she dyed her hair purple... I am not 100% sure why she did that but I will never try to understang her logic ever again, it only leaves you with a headache.

Taking her hand in mine, I dragged her to class, as she loudly protested behind me. Jessie doesn't like school not because of teachers or bullies or even homework, she is just lazy when it comes to anything that involves moving a body part or thinking on commaned. Once I asked her to turn on the light at my house, her responce was her mind and limbs aren't on the same schedule so when one is on the other is asleep.

~2 hours later~

The bell signaling lunch time (Jessie's fav part of the day, for a skinny girl she loves to eat) jumping out of the seat in front of me, she took my hand leading us out to the court yard to sit under our tree. " I am pleased to inform you that we are going to a party tonight'' she stated smiling evilly, " You mean you are going as in singular, only one person" I asked hopeful.

Laughing Jessie pat me on the head "Nope sorry pretty boy but YOU are going to the party also, no ifs, ands, or buts about it" about to respond she cut me off "You need to get laid, Oops im sorry I forgot your bottom" she giggled. Staring at her, my mouth fell open in shock " Sorry honey I have nothing to put in there" quickly I closed my mouth throwing her into another fit of laughter.

~ After school~

Author: Sorry im skipping a lot of time because I hate slow beginnings they make me wanna fall asleep.

Standing in front of my closet Jessie huffed "what are you looking for?" I asked bored, she has been going through my closet for the past hour looking for something "Sexy" enough for me to wair to the party. " I already told you, I dont want to go " ignoring me she threw neon blue skinnys at me and a black v-neck " Shut up and get ready, be down stairs in 15min for ill come get you myself". After straightening my hair and getting a beany I hopped down stairs and into her car.


I sat on the coach watch the people around me, grinde, make out and/or act drunk off their asses. Sighing I put down my book and walked toward the kitchen to grab a beer, arriving back to my spot the book was gone. Looking around trying to see where it fell "Is this yours?" a husky voice asked. Turning around a came in contact with a toned chest.

Author~ I don't wanna do to many different pov but I think having a few of Rain's is needed.


Why did I come to this party... Kyle wanted to go and my dad said he had to have a pack member with him, now I am stuck with baby sitting. Why should the future Alpha have to go?!? Walking into the house all I smell is weed and alcohol, following Kyle into the kitchen I get a drink.

Dropping my cup I look around, "Kyle do you smell that?" He turned to me shaking his head "Can I go dance?" he asked, nodding I followed him to the dance floor. Getting closer and closer to the living room the amazing smell got stronger, following it I found a book... 

     Why does a book smell so damn good??? Scrolling through the book I felt someone shove by me to where I found the book, the boy looked under the sofa cushions. "Is this yours?" I asked loud enough for him to hear me, apparently I was standing to close because he turned straight into my chest. 

My wolf purred,




      "Owie" I whined rubbing my head, looking up I was met with the most beautiful grey eyes they almost looked white. "Do you mind backing up a little fag" he huffed with venom in his voice, who was he calling a fag sure I am gay and get called it all the time by kids at my school but this guy didn't know me.

    Taking a step back my face grew red " Excuse me but you don't even know me, what the hell gives you the right to call me that, there is no reason to be a jerk to someone you just met" I spit jerking my book out of his hand.

       "Only ignorant asses use the term fag, so apparently you're a moron, learn to grow up you homophobic jerk" huffing the last part I stomped away out of the house. Wow I just stood up for myself  I am so happy, but why do I feel so bad?.......

Mate? Alpha? What? BoyxBoyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz