Chapter 10

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Alright time for me to continue with the story. I never thought that my story would have 40,000+ reads, the thought is just unreal in my mind. With all these votes and reads it makes me want to start writing more often than i have been so thank you :D. All of you, my little penguins encourage me to keep writing.

SOOO with out further waiting here is the next chapter. 

 ****WARNING **


" Please Rain....please." Alex moaned.. 

To be quite honest, I am terrified.

What if he rejectfirst.again in the morning.. What if he realizes he made a huge mistake, hates me.... 

"Alex are you sure?" I asked, my voice a little shacky. 

Nodding his head he arched his neck up to me. " Please..." he begged

"Alex, you don't know what you are asking for. Once I mark you there is no going back, no do over. I want you to be sure you want me because you love me, not just from your heat." I carefully explained to him.

Letting out a whimper tears start to pour from his eyes.

"Shhhhhh, Baby why are you crying?"

Letting out a little hiccup, he whipped his eyes.

"I get it I'm sorry for what I have put you through, now I just want to be with you. Why are you questioning me now, isn't this what you wanted."

'Now look what you have done, seriously make our mate happy or so help me. I Will do it myself.'
'Alright, alrightI didn't mean to do make him upset.'
'Your so damn bossy.'

Throwing any logic to the wind, I kissed down his neck. Feeling my canines grow, his scent is simply intoxicating.

"Please..." He begged again.

With out warning I sunk my teeth into his neck. The taste of him, made my head spin.


Oh my goodness.....

I never thought something like this would feel that amazing. Every part of me burned, my moans could probably be heard in China.

My jeans are so tight it hurts.

"Rain....Rain...." I moaned tugging on his hair.

Pulling away from my neck, his eyes were glowing.

"Now your mine."

In an instant, my clothes were in shreds around us. Kissing his way down my chest Rain let out a growl.

"Where did this come from?" Rain asked.


*Earlier that day*

Sitting on my bed in the guest room I had a knock on the door.

"Come in."

Slowly Rain's Mother came in a present in hand.

"I have a gift for you, don't be embarrassed. Your going to need this."

Taking the box from her I look inside, sitting there is a ring.

"When you see Rain, were that. And no it doesn't go on your finger."  She hands me a remote.

This woman is crazy...

*End of flash back*

Mwahhahahaahahhahahaa I'm evil
I know short chapter but it's almost my birthday and I'm busy Sooooo. I might update soon to continue this chapter I'm going to right it out first.

So I love u my little penguins and before my next update I need to see at least 10 votes
Love u penguins and I'm changing the rating of this book so it won't be taken down

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