Chapter 7

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Sorry it took me so long i was waiting to have internet back in my house because i moved. Also i feel bad for not updating cause i look at my veiws at school and i get so excited. So with out Further udo here is what u have been waiting for.


Feeling his body go limp in my arms I swore my heart was going to break in half. Why do I cause him this much pain and stress, he is my mate.... Doesn't he get he has to love me, what is he going to do let me die of rejection.....I hope not.

Picking him up bridal style, I start to head toward my car. Carefully placing Alex into the back seat, I climbed in the from taking out my phone dialing my mothers number as sped down the road. 

"Hello dear," She said picking up on the first ring "Why are you calling arn't you in school?" her voice becoming more curious as the seconds ticked by. 

"I have something I need your help with now don't freak out..." 

She scoffed, "Please, I never freak out and love anything you will say I doubt will surprise me." 

"I found my mate last week and I long story short I was talking to him, he got mad and passed out..can you help him please?" 

"WHAT!!!" I heard my fathers voice bark "Give me the phone." his demand was followed by and thud as well an Ow following. 

"OMGERSH I WANNA MEET HIM WHATS HE LIKE????!!?!?!? Is he cute??? PLEASE tell me he is cute." my mother squealed 

" Well I will be there in 3 min, please grab a warm wash cloth before I get there for him. Thanks See you soon."  and I hung up.

Pulling up to the front of the house, I got out walking around to get Alex out of the back seat still out cold. Kicking the door open I walking in and placed him down gently onto the Black leather sofa. Like a whirlwind my mother came into the room, pushing past me with a jar in her hand and a wash cloth. Looking up I see my Dad standing in the door way, starring off into space as he rubbed the back of his head. I assume where mom smacked him,

"Rain may I talk to you in my office for a moment?" frowning I glance at Alex lying on the couch my wolf whimpering at the thought of having to leave our mate side. My mom placed a gentle hand on my shoulder, 

"Alex will still be here when you get back, he is safe with me." with a nod of my head and a twist of the heel I glided past my father toward his office.

Shutting the door lightly behind he walked to him desk with out as much of a glance in my direction. Placing him hands on the desk in front of him he sighed.

"Is this boy truly your mate?" nodding my head I sat in a chair in front of him. "I will not reject him, after seeing what he goes through at school and what happen with his father, you could not threaten me enough that it would change my mind." I stated sternly.

Leaning back in his seat he glanced out the window, "I won't, plus your mother would bury me alive. Though I have  two questions. Does he know about our people? & What is it that happen with his father?" taking in a long breath I explained to him what has happened over the past couple of days. Then the story of how Alex's Father left them for another werewolf, so he had already known about our kind. 

Walking back into the living room I find Alex still passed out on the couch. His shirt had been taken off and my mother had settled onto the floor to watch over him as he slept. Hearing me enter she looked to me a smile playing on the corners of her lips.

"Rain did Alex reject you by any chance?" it took me a moment to register that she was talking to me before I sat next to her. " Yes he did, I told him he was my mate and I wouldn't leave him because there was no one else that I want, he started screaming 'No' and pushing me away." replaying the scene in my mind my heart started to break of the thought that my mate really didn't want me. Leaning onto my mother I felt a tear escape from my eyes. 

"What happen this evening, when he was pushing you away was he shaking and then he passed out?" lifting up my head I looked at her. "Yes.." rubbing my back she nodded, "Yerp I was right, what happen was he is in 'heat' so to speak. Though his mind is pushing you away his heart and body still wants its other half, so his body started to shake as a side effect of the conflict. In simple aspects it was to much pressure for his body to take so he passed out." Thinking about it a moment it made some since, though only woman wolfs go into heat.. 

"How is that possible?" I puzzled.

"Anything is possible." she stated


Groggily I open my eyes. My head is pounding, mouth is dry and I feel sick though I felt calm. Stretching I turn on my side, I notice I am not at school or home. Sitting in front of me I see Rain talking to a woman with Auburn hair down to her waist, they are both sitting on the floor completely unaware of an audiance member. As I see Rain lean on to her sholder a tear running down his cheeck falling onto his lap. My heart broke.

I am just evil. psssssh ik 

Don't cry Rain, Alex Loves you and I love you. 

Rain: You are seriously creepy stay the fuck away from me. 

EM:Why must you hate me I made you!?!?!?!

Alex: Did you make me too?

Em: Yes yes I did hun, Now let me LOVE U

OK so i will see you all soon I hope. I know it had been a while since i updated but i have internet now and now i have to leave it..... I am going on a Orchestra Trip to Disney World were i will be preforming. So if I am going to start on another chapter it would be on Monday, though it wouldnt be uploaded untill some  time around the 10th of May because i have a Girl Scout trip also.... Busy busy busy.

WELL Bye my Little penguinzz I LUSH YOU ALL SO MUSH!!! <3


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