Epilogue 4/4: Many Years Later...

Comenzar desde el principio

You picked a picture of Francis up.

(Y/N): I just miss Francis, that's all... I never get time to hang out with him anymore. He's too busy with his job.

Meggy: Yeah, I know... I wish things were still the same...

Infinite: We'll meet you at the theater, alright?

Meggy: Okie dokie!

SB123 Meggy: See ya!

The others sped off, you put the picture back down and smiled.

(Y/N): Let's do this.

You started the Widowmaker, and began to drive.

Meggy: Woohoo!

(Y/N): Yeah! 

You drove off a ramp, and flew through the air for a while.

Goomba: Wait... What is that in the air-

The Widowmaker landed on the Goomba.

Meggy: Oops!

(Y/N): Oh well, one of those bastards are dead.

You continued to drive, and turned the TV on.

Goomba: My scrotums...

Meggy: Is there anything on?

(Y/N): Hmm... How about Bowser and SB123 Bowser's cooking show?

Meggy: Sure.

You turned the TV on, as it displayed a giant chocolate cake.

(Y/N): Whoa.

Bowser: HEY GUYS! Today, we're gonna be making a chocolate cake! 

SB123 Bowser: Not only that, we have a very special guest today!

Bowser: We present to you...

SB123 Bowser: MARIO!

Mario: Pingas.

Bowser: So, how do you bake a chocolate cake, Mario?

Mario: HMM...

(A few minutes later...)


Bowser: I'M ON FIYA!

(Y/N): *Chuckle* Some things never change.

Meggy: Ha! Defiantly.

Mario: And that's how you bake a smexy cake, bitches! Until next time!

Bowser: *Squidward screaming*

You arrived at the theaters, and hopped out of the Widowmaker.

Meggy: Just like our first date...

(Y/N): Wow... That brings back a lot of memories... That was thirty-five years ago. Holy shit.

Meggy: Damn... Time flies, huh?

(Y/N): Indeed it does...

You held Meggy's hand, and walked into the theaters.

Cristina: Hey, guys!

SmeshBras123: Guess what we're watching?

(Y/N): Hmm?

ReaderFromWR: We're watching...

Angelina: The adventures of the Multiversal Heroes!

Meggy: WOW!

(Y/N): They made a film about us?!?!

Infinite: Hell yeah they did!

Crystal: Let's go watch it!

Meggy X Reader: EndgameDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora