Chapter 9: Double Infinite

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(Y/N): You two feeling better after what happened?

Infinite: Y-yeah...

Crystalonetta: Soon, we will find that bastard and make him suffer for it...

Meggy: Heck yeah we will.

Comet: Hmm...

Lucy: Is something the matter, Comet?

Comet: I sense something... It's energy is similar to dad's...

Infinite: Huh?

(Y/N): Similar to Infinite's energy?

Meggy: Interesting. Where is it coming from?

Comet: The energy is a bit far from here. I will teleport us there and see what it is.

Crystalonetta: Okay, our sweet little Comet.

Comet teleported everyone to the location of the powerful energy, you looked around and saw SB123 Mario and SB123 Meggy on the ground severely injured.

(Y/N): SB123 Mario and SB123 Meggy!

Infinite ran over to the two, and crouched.

SB123 Mario: Oh... Mama Mia... This hurts...

SB123 Meggy: Ow...

Infinite: Who did this to you...?

Nazo: That would be us.

Mephiles: Including me.

Infinite: WHA- H-HOW...?

(Y/N): That's impossible...! 

Meggy: This is a joke...

Nazo: You can thank Xeggy for bringing us back.

Mephiles: I am very proud of her.

Infinite: Wait... Does that include-

Novius levitated down from a building, and smiled evilly.

Nazo: Yes.

(Y/N): T-this isn't good...!

Mephiles: When I kill you Infinite, I'll send you to the Void and you will finally see what we had to go through...

Novius: And look who else we have.

Machito: Huh?

Novius had both Clark and Luna by their necks.

Comet: *Gasp* Lil big sister!

Machito: Don't... Hurt... Them...

Mephiles: It's either your children... Or SB123 Mario and SB123 Meggy.


A cage suddenly appeared, trapping everyone inside apart from SB123 Mario, SB123 Meggy, Clark, Luna and the villains.

Nazo: What's your decision, Infinite...? Your own daughter, or the people you care for so much and protect all the time...?

Infinite: Y-you... Monsters...

(Y/N): T-that's... So low...

Meggy: Y-yeah...

Novius: Time is running out. If you don't decide, all FOUR will die.

Infinite: S-shit...

Luna: Dad...

SB123 Meggy: Infinite...

Infinite started to cry, and fell to the floor.

Meggy: Infinite!

Novius: Five seconds!

Meggy X Reader: EndgameWhere stories live. Discover now