Prologue 1/3: The Beginning

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It was a peaceful day in the Mushroom Kingdom. You were sitting with your wife Meggy, and watching TV.

(Y/N): Hmm... What could we watch?

Meggy: I'm not sure.

Infinite, Crystal, and Luna walked into the castle.

(Y/N): Hey, guys!

Luna: Hi!

Infinite: What are you two doing?

Meggy; We're watching some TV. Just deciding on what to watch, though.

Crystal: Okie dokie.

???: Hey, mom!

A red jackal-wolf hybrid, known as Comet, hugged her mother.

Crystal: Hey, Comet!

Infinite: How is my son doing?

Comet: I'm good! Grandpa has been training me today!

Infinite: Awesome! 

Luna: Soon enough, little big bro, you will unlock your Super form. 

Comet: I'm so excited for it!

Crystal: Same here!

(Y/N): Tomorrow is the tenth year anniversary of the multiverse's everlasting peace!

Meggy: Oh, yeah! I completely forgot about that!

Saiko: This is going to be an awesome event!

Luigi: Indeed, Saiko!

Mario: It's a going to be lots a fun!

Bowser: We've got everything set up for it!

SB123 Bowser: Yep! We just need to cook all of the food, and we're good to go!

(Y/N): Speaking of food, I'm hungry.

Meggy: Me too...

(Y/N): Hang on, Meggy. I'll get us some instant noodles.

Meggy: Alright, sweetie.

You jumped off the couch, and walked into the kitchen, where the two Bobs and the two Fishy Boopkins were playing Mushrooms and Morons.

SMG4: Oh, hey (Y/N)!

(Y/N): Playing that old game, guys?

Fishy Boopkins: It's so much fun!

SB123 B0b: HeLl YeAh It Is!

SMG4: Is there anything you need?

(Y/N): Nah. Just came in to heat some instant noodles for Meggy and I.

SMG4: Alrighty then!

B0b: AfTeR tHiS, sHoUlD wE pLaY pOkEr?

SMG4: Hmm... Sure!

You put two pots of instant noodles into the microwave, and turned it on.

(Y/N): *Thoughts: Ten whole years tomorrow. Wow.*

You waited for a while, and the instant noodles finished heating up.

(Y/N): *Click* NOICE.

You grabbed the two pots of instant noodles, and walked out of the kitchen.

Meggy: Thanks, (Y/N)!

You gave one of the pots to Meggy, and sat down.

Infinite: Hmm...

Comet: Is something the matter, dad?

Infinite: I... Have a bad feeling.

Luna: Huh?

Meggy X Reader: EndgameWhere stories live. Discover now