Prologue 3/3: Heroes Unite!

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Infinite: Come on, give me all you've got!

You flew at Infinite with Antasma and Lost, the jackal smiled and easily blocked your attacks.

(Y/N): Wow!

Antasma: Let's see if your sword stands a chance against my lightsaber!

Lost: Oh?

Antasma whipped his lightsaber out, and slashed at Infinite. 

Infinite: Heh heh.

The jackal quickly blocked the attack with his sword.

(Y/N): Huh?!

Meggy: H-his sword is not broken?!

Antasma: Impressive. Just what is that sword made out of?

Infinite: Well, this sword was forged in the 6th century, and is made from the strongest and rarest materials of Planet Earth. The Jackal's Death Blade has been in my family for many generations.

(Y/N): Holy shit.

Meggy: The 6th century?!

Antasma: So, it's more than a thousand years old...

Infinite: Indeed.

Luna walked into the room with ReaderFromWR, Angelina, William, and Cristina.

Infinite: *Smiles* Nice.

William: Like the good old days.

Cristina: I'm happy to help!

Angelina: These villains won't know what hit them!

ReaderFromWR: Right on!

Infinite: I also hired all of SB123 Meggy's Inkling friends, along with a few others.

Deathwind: Wow.

Sapphire: Xeggy and Wario-man stand no chance against us now!

BlackFang: They will be attacking soon. We all need to train!

Ravenger: Indeed!

(Y/N): We're all in this together.

Machito: Yep.

Meggy: With all of us, we will survive and bring all of these villains down!

Everyone cheered, as Infinite stood on a table.

Infinite: My army of jackals and ReaderFromWR's Blood Raven army will be assisting us in this war. They will be arriving soon-

There was a knock on the castle's front door.

(Y/N): Huh?

Angelina: Who's that?

ReaderFromWR opened the door, as he saw a grey jackal with a sword and cape.

Infinite: Wait... Smoke?!

Deathwind: Son, you know this guy?

Smoke walked into the castle, as Infinite jumped off the table.

Infinite: It's been ages since I've seen you!

Smoke: Indeed it has, my good friend. I heard about what's going on. And this is my chance to finally repay the debt I owe you.

SmeshBras123: When did you last see Smoke, Infinite?

Infinite: When I was a teen. I helped him with something he greatly struggled with, and he promised he would repay me someday.

Smoke: And that day's today.

Steve: Hmm... 

(Y/N): What can you do?

Meggy X Reader: EndgameWhere stories live. Discover now