Chapter 29: Smeshfinite, King of Gods

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You swung your sword at Omega Jackal, as he dodged the attack and punched you in the face.

(Y/N): Fuck!

Meggy planted a few Splat Bombs on Omega Jackal's back, she stuck her middle finger up and jumped off the building.

Omega Jackal: Wait, what-

The Splat Bombs exploded, sending Omega Jackal flying into a bus.

(Y/N): Meggy!

You turned into your Hyper form and flew after Meggy.

Meggy: What'd you think of my stunt?

Hyper (Y/N): Dangerous, but funny!

You grabbed Meggy, and shared a kiss with her.

Comet: Aww...

ReaderFromWR: That bastard isn't finished yet!

Omega Jackal: Grrr... Damn it...

Angelina: How's the fusion coming along you two?! 

Risky Boots: We won't be able to hold him for long!

MUI Infinite/MUI SmeshBras123: Let's go!

The two gods got into positions, and started the Fusion Dance.

Hyper (Y/N): This is gonna be awesome...

Omega Jackal: Uhhh... What are those two doing?

MUI Infinite/MUI SmeshBras123: Fu... Sion! HA!

The two gods glowed brightly.

Meggy: Yes!

SB123 Mario: Omega, you're about to get one HELL of an ass whoopin'!

Cristina: And it'll only get better when me and Crystal fuse!

G.O.L. Crystal: Right on!

Omega Jackal flew at MUI Infinite and MUI SmeshBras123, but was suddenly hit by an unknown force, sending him flying into the sky.

Hyper (Y/N): Whoa...!

The gods fused into a stronger being, as the light dimmed.

Cristina: Oh... My...

G.O.L. Crystal: That... Is so... Awesome...

Omega Jackal: Argh... Wait... Huh?! Where are the other two?!

MUI Smeshfinite: The gods...? They're HERE. I am THEY. We are ONE. Unfortunately for YOU, Omega.

G.O.L. Crystal/Cristina: *Fangirl scream*

Hyper (Y/N): *Chuckle* They're going crazy over this.

Meggy: Indeed. *Giggle*


The Shadow Jackal flew at MUI Smeshfinite, and suddenly got stopped.

Omega Jackal: Wait, what?! I can't move-

MUI Smeshfinite moved his head, which sent Omega Jackal flying through multiple buildings.

Lost: Whoa!

William: He didn't even touch him...

Omega Jackal's nose started to bleed, he wiped the blood away and growled.

MUI Smeshfinite: Heh... Two hard punches and all you've got is a bloody nose. I have to admit, I'm impressed...

Omega Jackal: You stupid... WHAT DO YOU MEAN TWO?!

Meggy X Reader: EndgameWhere stories live. Discover now