Prologue 2/3: Declaring War

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You woke up, and let out a loud yawn.

Meggy: Morning, (Y/N).

You kissed Meggy on the cheek, and jumped out of bed.

(Y/N): Today's the tenth anniversary of everlasting peace!

Meggy: Indeed! The Mushroom Kingdom and Inkopolis are going crazy over it!

You got dressed, and walked outside to find lots and lots of decorations.

(Y/N): Whoa.

Infinite: Hey, (Y/N)!

Crystal: We finished putting the decorations up for the party!

Comet: This is gonna be so cool!

Luna: Ten whole years since I defeated Novius. Time really flew by, huh?

Infinite: Indeed it did, our little hero.

Meggy: So much has happened this past decade.

(Y/N): Right on, Meggy.

Comet: Where is grandpa and grandma?

Crystal: They're cooking with the Bowsers and SB123 Mario and SB123 Meggy.

Comet: Okie dokie.

Infinite: I'm so excited for this!

Meggy: Me too!

(Y/N): Me three! I'm fired up!

Saiko and SB123 Saiko were drinking wine with Aqua and Fishy Boopkins.

Aqua: Hmm...

SB123 Saiko: Trust me, you'll love it.

Saiko: Indeed.

Aqua: F-fine.

SB123 Saiko smiled, as Aqua chugged the wine down.

Saiko: So?

Aqua: Hmm... Not bad! I actually like it!

B0b: ThAt ShIt Is bArElY aS gOoD aS mOnStEr, ThoUgH!

SB123 Saiko: Ew...

(Y/N): When is the party, by the way?

Infinite: In a couple of hours.

Meggy: Alrighty then. Let's watch some TV while we wait, (Y/N).

(Y/N): Sure.

You sat on the couch, turned the TV on, and relaxed.


Xeggy: Yes! We have all of them!

Mephiles: Nice work, everyone!

Dark Squid started to wake up, she looked around and saw all of her friends inside of cages.

Wario-man: Hello there, Dark Squid.

Dark Squid: Wario-man?! W-what am I doing here?!

Xeggy: We thought we would use you and your friends for something big.

Dark Squid: Whatever it is, we don't want any part in it!

Mephiles: Dark Squid... My wife...

Dark Squid: Mephiles?! You're working with these guys?!

Mephiles: I'm sorry, Dark Squid... But I must have my revenge on Infinite! Our daughter wants to kill that jackal as well!

A small female Inkling walked beside Mephiles.

Mephilia: Mom, please...

Dark Squid: Grrr... F-fine... Only for you, my husband and daughter.

Xeggy: Good.

Meggy X Reader: EndgameWhere stories live. Discover now