Stone Cold://: Stucky

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- This is the first imagine on here and it's a song fic.. wow. I wanna know what y'all think.

**Stone cold, stone cold you see me standing but i'm dying on the floor Stone cold, stone cold maybe if I don't cry I won't feel anymore  

It was late. Around 10:30 p.m., but not that kind of late, emotionally late, well for Steve at least. He was sitting at the bar, drink in his hand, head down, tears rolling down his cheeks silently. Tears that, to him, represented love and hatred, happiness and sadness. Tears that he couldn't seem to control. He was hurt, destroyed, broken, slowly dying while his heart continued to shatter in his chest.

Yes, it's true, he was in love. He didn't choose to fall in love, and he certainly didn't choose, much less want, it to be his best friend, Bucky. Bucky, of course, had absolutely no idea of Steve's crush on him. Bucky still dances his last night away to the sweet melodies of swing. Oh yeah, on top of that it was his last night in Brooklyn.

**God knows I try to feel happy for you, Know that I am, even if I can't understand I'll take the pain Give me the truth Me and my heart, we'll make it through  

He had been accepted to the academy, while Steve, on the other hand, was declined... again. He was small, hell, he was TINY! But Steve thought that that shouldn't matter, if he wanted to risk his life for his country than he shouldn't be denied that opportunity. Nevertheless, he was staying home... alone... while Buck went off to give his life for his country in the most honorable way known. 

Steve heard his name being called from the other side of the dance hall and lifted his head slightly. Catching sight of Bucky making his way towards him with a beaut hanging off his shoulder, he quickly wiped his tears away and tried to pretend he was stifling a yawn. 

"Hey Steve!" Bucky said with a pat on Steve's back, a grin decorating his handsome face.

"Hey Buck." Steve nodded, pretending to stifle another yawn. 

"You tired, Punk?" Bucky asked looking at Steve.

"Yeah, a little. Haven't been sleeping well lately." Steve said trying to make it sound believable. 

"Let's go home then." Bucky said pulling Steve up from the chair and placing some cash down to cover a couple of drinks. 

"Thank you, ma'am, for the most amazing dance i've had all night." Bucky said to the dame, taking her hand and placing a gentle kiss on her knuckles. 

**You're dancing with her, while i'm staring at my phone Stone cold, stone cold I was your ember but now she's shade of gold

———— Next morning——— 

The train whistled, signaling that it was time to go. 

"Well, Steve, take care and stay outta trouble, Punk. No fighting while i'm gone." Bucky said with a grin, while giving Steve one last hug and grabbing his suitcase. After he had boarded the train and sat down, he waved out the window at Steve who waved back. 

Watching the train disappearing from sight, Steve let out a shaky sigh and said, "Anything for you, Buck."

**I wish I could mend this but here's my goodbye oh! i'm happy for you  

——— A couple of months later——— 

It had been some time since Bucky had left. Steve had signed up again and this time he had a feeling it would be different. He couldn't explain it, he just felt like he knew he had gotten lucky this time. He had gotten over Bucky, over the fact that he would never be what Bucky was looking for, and that as Bucky's best friend he would always be there for him, no matter what. 

It was midday when Steve got his mail. He had been accepted and he couldn't be more grateful for the chance to prove himself. He quickly began to pack, not having much made things a hell of a lot easier. That night he fell asleep knowing that he was gonna see his best friend again and that he would get to serve his country. 

The next morning he arrived early at the station, hoping, praying, that he would miss the wave of soldiers and dames saying their emotional goodbyes. Quickly stepping on the train, he picked a seat at the front where, he expected, to be among the first to step off the train and  hear the instructions. 

** I'm happy for you...

A/N— Sooooo, how did I do? I'm sorry if it's crappy. I tried! *hides behind Bucky* *Whispers in his ear* Don't let them get me! 

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