--> e p i l o g u e

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" The end of one story is the beginning of many "




"Hurry up! It is time!"

My eyes widened and I bounced on my heels at the sound of Cleo's warning. Nervousness was flooding through my system at the sound of the familiar music.

I can't believe it's time! 

The flower girl  followed by the bridesmaids and groomsmen. Cleo sent me a smile before she walked out, her arm hooked with Alec's. 

Okay, breathe, breathe, breathe. I don't need to breathe!

"Let us go, child..." Marcus muttered, his arm around mine. He walked forward with me beside him as the music played.

Pre-wedding jitters, as they call it - I was suffering from. But, all of it had disappeared the second I laid eyes on my husband.

Joel wore a black tux with a red bow-tie. He looked so adorable in his ensemble. His eyes had fallen on mine and widened as he took in my gown. 

It wasn't much. It was a white gown with a sweetheart neckline and opaque lace covering the bodice. It flowed out like a princess gown and I wore a pair of glass heels to top it off.

As we reached the end of the isle, Marcus handed me off. I thanked him and joined Caius and Aro on stage as they officiated the wedding.

The vows were beautifully written and the event was a huge success. 

"I could earn big bucks for this." Cleo smiled, looking around impressed. "I am so good at decorating."

"Decorate your life first, dork." I snickered and she scowled. 

"I will, once my speech is done." She smirked evilly. I gasped and hit her arm.

"If you are done pestering the bride, I would like it if you meet a few people I know." Alec rolled his eyes, wrapping an arm around Cleo's waist. 

"I'm not done annoying her yet." Cleo pouted, her wedding ring glistening in the light.

"I got your drinks." Joel smiled, joining my side and handing us all glasses of blood.

"To love, life and happiness." I smiled, raising the glass. 

"To happiness." They chorused and clinked our glasses together. 

Alec and Cleo smiled at each other, completely love stricken. If anyone deserved a happily ever after, it was them. 

Then again, I am glad I got a little something out of it too.

As Joel and I kissed, I felt the world disappear. 

Because the end, is just the beginning.





INFELICE | Alec volturi | Joel Courtney |Where stories live. Discover now