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" We are in deep shit "




Cleo was muttering to herself as she got me back home.

She laid me down and sped to the kitchen to grab the first aid kit to stop the bleeding and prevent an infection.

I didn't really care about the wound. The storm of questions plagued my thoughts and distracted me from the sting. 

A loud bang came from the kitchen, snapping me out of my trance.

"Cleo are you okay?" I said worriedly.

"All good" Cleo replied. "You have a lot stored in these cabinets" Cleo said, her tone laced with annoyance. 

I would have said something, but I had no idea how to explain my situation to her. She knew that my parents were divorced and I had to change homes weekly, but she never understood the stress and depression that it caused. Seeing kids with happy families and parents that loved each other, sent a wave of nostalgia and sadness through me. If only I had a family like that... 

Cleo walked through the bedroom door saying "I finally found it" and I smiled awkwardly.

She started to to remove the strips that she had tied to my thigh to stop the blood flow and started to apply an antiseptic.

"It will hurt a little bit" Cleo said, her voice coming out forced. 

"Who were they Cleo?" I asked and Cleo's face paled at the question. 

"Why did they try to harm me?"

Cleo's eyes wandered on the labels of the medicine, in an attempt to avoid my questions. I sighed, she was forcing me to break her the hard way - emotional blackmail. 

"Cleo you never hide anything from me. I know your not normal but I don't care, I just want to know the truth and I promise I won't freak out after listening to it. Whatever it is, we will go through it together." I smiled, taking her hand in mine ignoring the coldness. 

"Okay I will tell you." She sighed. "But please, lay down. You need to rest."

I decided to listen to her for once and made myself comfortable, bracing myself for the upcoming story. Cleo sat beside me and began answering my questions.

"We are vampires Vi. Our lives are different. We have some rules and regulations - ways of living that are way too different from humans and need to be followed." Cleo said with a downcast expression.

"The Volturi enforce the laws of our world."

"The Volturi... Who are they?" I asked, my voice laced with curiosity.

"The Volturi are the largest and most powerful coven of vampaires. They enforce the laws of the vampire world. They are equivalent to royalty in the vampire world and consists of 5 core members: Aro, Caius, Marcus, Sulpicia and Atenodora. Aside from these head members, it also consists of a collection of powerfully imposing vampires, known as the "Volturi guard", the most powerful being Chelsea, Jane, Alec, and Joel.

The Volturi act as the unofficial royalty in the world of vampires, and are an incredibly influential coven. They are also considered 'nighttime patrons of the arts' as, because of their inability to sleep, they study the arts at night.

The Volturi act as guardians, keeping the secret society of vampires hidden from the Human world as needed. They often send their agents to travel from Volterra to prevent overzealous covens from exposing vampires through mass eradication of every vampire (and any humans) present. The coven has existed for over 3000 years, and is the largest coven in existence, followed by the Olympic, the Denali, and the Mexican covens." Cleo explained.

"Sleep Vi. Its past your bedtime." she chastised. 

"No." I scowled. "Tell me more about vampires."

"Vampires are basically immortal beings who feed and survive on the blood of humans or animals." Cleo said vexatiously.

"You are immortal?" I exclaimed in surprise. 

"I am - we are. Vampires are indeed immortal unless destroyed. Since we are unable to sleep, we spend all days and nights awake." Cleo said. 

"So, Those who attacked me were vampires?" I asked. 

"Yes. Well, newborns to be exact." Cleo said.

"What are those?" 

"Newborn or newborn vampire is the term for a vampire that has been transformed for less than one year. On average, a newborn's physical strength greatly surpasses that of an older vampire because they still have their own blood lingering in their tissues." Cleo explained. Her expression was neutral, but I could detect a hint of regret in her tone. 

"Well, then what - " Just as I uttered those words, the front door opens and a familiar voice calls out -

"Violet, I'm home...."

I immediately tensed at the sound, usually when dad comes home, he is wasted to the point that he scares me to no end. 

Cleo's eyes met mine and she nods before rushing downstairs to tell him that I was hurt and that I needed rest.

Heavy footsteps came up the stairway and I held my breath, predicting the oncoming thrashes that were to come. Dad came to my room and started yelling at me for being careless and weak.

Of course, it didn't matter to him that I was hurt. His taunts came out in drunken slurrs and he waved his bottle at me making Cleo tense from the corner. I was just praying silently that he doesn't raise a hand at me in front of my friend. 

Once he left, Cleo carried me carefully and opened the window. 

"You can't sleep here alone..." She muttered and leaped from the two story high structure, gracefully. 

I had already succumbed to the darkness before I reached her house. 


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