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" oblivious, in denial and dangerous " 




"I know this is weird but I need help."

I grimaced sightly at a very surprised Cleo as I stood outside her room. She opened her mouth to say something, but paused and made way for me to enter. I sped inside and paced back and forth across the room as she closed the door and faced me. 

"Calm down. What got your panties in a twist?" 

I turned to her, confused at the unusual phrase she had used making her sigh. 

"How can I help you?" She asked. 

"I want to do something special for Violet. I want to show her how much she truly means to me and for that I need your help." I blurted out. 

Her expression was stoic for a couple of seconds and then a wide grin broke out. "Well then, lets begin!" 


Two hours later, I stood outside Violet's door, nervously fiddling with my coat jacket. I raised my fist and bought it down on the hardwood door, knocking three times. I took deep breaths and plastered a small smile on my face as the door swung open. Violet stood there wearing a blue dress, looking exquisite as ever. The hue complimented her complexion and made her eyes look lovely. 

'Compliment her on her clothes' Cleo's voice rung out in my head. 

"You look very pretty." I smiled. She looked down at her dress, her hair falling in a curtain around her blushing face. 

"Thank you. You don't look too bad yourself." She giggled, making me swoon internally. 

"Come on, I have a lot planned for us." I grinned lifting her up in my arms as she smiled. 

"Then let's go, Mr. Volturi." She grinned. 

Soon you won't be able to call me that anymore. I grinned to myself as I ran towards the castle gardens - the site of our date. 

Cleo spent two hours setting it up for us - including all the things Violet loves the most: a movie, a small picnic and a night under the stars. She set it up in the center of the bluebell estate that was in a secluded part of the plot that was rarely visited. 

I slowed to a stop and put her down in front of the picnic making her gasp. 

"It's so pretty! Did you do this?" She asked me. 

'Take credit for it, I don't mind.' 

"Yes. Do you like it?" I asked, lying through my teeth. She hugged me tightly and then walked towards the setup. 

"I wasn't sure what you liked, so I got you takeout from this Chinese place and a movie for us to watch, ended with a night under the stars." I said nervously, playing with the rose in my hand. "Oh! This is for you." I smiled handing her the flower. 

"It sounds perfect Joel. Thank you very much." She blushed, stroking the rose petals. 

"So let's get started!" I smiled, pulling her to the blanket. Pillows and cushions were scattered around and a bunch of them were propped up against the tree for us to sit. I sat down, bringing Violet to my chest and threw a quilt on both of us from the pile of blankets in the corner. I took out a box of takeout from the basket and handed it to her along with chopsticks. She thanked me and I put the laptop on my lap, pressing the big rectangular button - like Cleo told me to - and thus, the movie night began. 

I don't remember what the movie was about, but I do remember the huge smile that was plastered on her face throughout the night. 

As creepy as it was, I couldn't help but watch her every time she smiled or laughed. The way her eyes lit up every time the characters laughed and the grin on her face every time they said something funny, was worth the time. 

I even remember the way her eyes fluttered shut towards the end of the movie and her heart falling into a rhythm of sleep. 

She was just perfect, and I would do anything to see her smile and laugh like that for the rest of her life. 

"I love you..." I whispered to her, kissing her parted lips. She stirred lightly in her sleep, her head tilting upwards as a satisfied sigh left her mouth. 

Oh, what I wouldn't give to stay in this moment forever. 


"You're looking out the window? Want to do something stupid like maybe, jump out? I won't stop you because you obviously aren't going to listen to me anyways." 

"Oh my god, you are letting this go are you?" 

"I can't help it, I am still stunned by your stupidity." 

"It's been a week!" 

"Time doesn't matter to you, you're just going to jump right out and do something absolutely senseless when the time comes." 

"Hey, I was going to save people. I was being a hero!" 

"Hero? You would have been killed by those big guys within seconds - imagine how heroic that'd be!" 

I rounded the corner to come face to face with - you guessed it - Cleo and Alec. They stood near one of the largest French windows in the castle arguing about nothing. Instead of taking in the beauty of the city seen through the floor length glass window, they were taunting each other over last week's incident. 

When they argued, you could clearly see the love and care they held in their eyes for each other. They quarreled just like an old married couple. 

"Why does it matter to you anyway? Last time I checked, you wanted me dead!" Cleo growled, but immediately stopped, her look softening on seeing the slight hurt in Alec's eyes. 

"I never wanted you dead! If I did, I would have killed you a long time ago myself!" He snarled. He averted his eyes on seeing the flash of pain in Cleo's features. 

"Okay, break it up!" I stepped in, when it began to get too much. The last thing I wanted was them to ruin the 'ship' they had, or as Violet said. Cleo's eyes lit up when she saw me, the previous argument forgotten. Alec noticed this and sent a small glare my way which I pretended to ignore. 

"How did it go?" She asked me, walking my way. Alec took a step closer to her so that he was right behind her from where she stood. 

"Amazing." I smiled, trying to ignore the immense hate sent my way. 

"So, you both are like a thing now?" Alec sassed, his tone dropping a bit signifying hurt, or maybe jealousy. I smirked internally, but valued my life, so I denied the fact. 

"Eww, he's like my brother." She grimaced and the satisfied gleam returned to his eyes. 

"Yeah, Yeah." He waved and disappeared down the halls. 

"Tell me everything!" She squealed, grasping my arm. I laughed. 

"Okay, okay. Well...." I began, narrating my tale from beginning to ending reliving the memories all over again. 


INFELICE | Alec volturi | Joel Courtney |Where stories live. Discover now