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" I have never been afraid of loosing something in my life, 

then again, nothing means as much to me as you do " 




The second I walked through the shredded double doors, I knew I was colossally screwed.

I walked in trying to decipher my friends from the others, but all I could see was a tornado of swirls. 

I could barely see what the crap the swirls were, and here I show up to assist my friends. Smart move.

I looked around trying to see anything I could recognize, when I spotted two familiar figures near a pile of bricks. 

In the middle of a battle, seriously? 

Cleo shot Alec a couple of dirty looks followed by a string of unkind words before she disappeared.

"CLEO!" Alec roared, but I couldn't make out the rest of what her said. 



There goes my plan. 

"What the heck is wrong with you? I specifically told you to sit the fuck down in fucking Starbucks, and you show up in the middle of a war?" She screeched, grabbing a nearby vampire and ripping his head off.

"Are you out of your mind?" Two voices exclaimed at once. She furrowed her eyebrows looking around the floor.

"Did my voice echo?" She asked me confused. Before I could reply, Alec had appeared by her side and smacked her upside the head. 

"Have you lost the remaining amount of common sense that you had?" He growled, gripping her shoulders and shaking her. He released her and shoved her lightly.  

"Ouch. Abusive much?" She scowled, kicking his shin. He let out a grunt and opened his mouth to tell her off, but was interrupted by the presence of two men the size of Felix. They walked ahead while a middle-aged redhead walked behind them.

As they advanced nearer, there was a flash and one of their heads had fallen to the ground. My line of sight went black and it took me a second to realize that Joel stood in front of me. His hands cupped my face as he looked me over.

Even amidst a battle, cracks running across his jaw, he was the most beautiful being I had ever laid eyes on. I was transfixed at the intensity of his eyes and the gaze that pierced my very soul.

"Are you okay? What are you doing here?" He asked me, fear evident in his eyes. 

"I came to -"

A metallic screech interrupted my reply. We turned around and saw the second large guy on his knees. His arms were restricted behind his back by Alec and Cleo ripped his jaws open. Alec let him go, and his headless body collapsed on the floor beside the redhead's. The two exchanged a look and turned towards the war. Shimmering black mist escaped his fingertips and began numbing vampires one by one. Cleo stood beside him, using her power to split through the crowd and kill oncoming intruders as they dropped liked dominoes.

I watched the scene of them working together with a small smile. I expected this completely.

"You are so beautiful." 

My eyes snapped to Joel's to see him still staring at me with that exotic look in his eyes. 

"I - what makes you say that?" I asked him, unable to think straight with the unusual look he was giving me. "I am just a human, I don't compare to vampires." 

"You don't need to compare. You are absolutely perfect in your own way." He smiled, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Thanks." I smiled, making him chuckle at my awkwardness. I could feel the tiredness seeping in from running a marathon on the way here. 

"I apologize for my past behavior. I didn't know how to retaliate when I first saw you." He spoke.

"Why?" I asked. "What makes me different?" The weight on my shoulders was pushing me down, all I wanted was a nap right now. 

"You are so much more than you think yourself to be. You are special." He said, his hands falling on my waist. 

"Special? I - uh - don't understand. Why me -" I stuttered. Black spots danced in my vision and it was becoming hard to keep my consciousness. 

"You are my mate, and I love you."

And then everything went black. 


"Do you know what you are doing?"

"Yes... I think. I usually skipped health class." 

"Wow. Miss Holier-than-thou skipping classes? I didn't expect that."

"Shut up." A familiar voice glowered.

My eyes fluttered open as the bright light pricked my lids. I let out a groan and hissed away trying to prevent myself from getting blinded.

"See she's getting up, which means it worked. I'm always right."

"Cleo?" I croaked. My throats felt scratchy and I tried to sit up. I blinked rapidly trying to steady my vision, coming face to face with three curious faces.

"What happened? You just blacked out on me!" Cleo scowled.

"Aro found black spots in your vision, but he was able to make out the past memories that caused you to faint." Alec explained. 

"Memories? What mem -" I stopped myself as my eyes went wide. He didn't tell them about dad, did he?

"Why didn't you tell us your dad - abused you?" Joel frowned. 

There we go. I wonder if pretending to faint again would squeeze me out of this situation. 

"I - he was drunk most of the time. He wouldn't do it if he was in his right mind." The words tasted bitter in my mouth; I can't believe I am defending that guy.

"Vi, you should have told me. I could have helped you." Cleo perplexed.

"I - I never told anyone." I sighed. "It doesn't matter anymore, I am never going back."

Cleo opened her mouth to say something, but sighed and walked out of the room. Alec followed her, leaving Joel and me alone.

He sped to the dressing table and came back, handing me a glass of water. I thanked him and drank it up, keeping the water on my bedside table.

"How are you feeling?" He asked me softly. 

"Unusual." I answered immediately. "I can't remember anything before the fight." I stated, running my hands through my hair. His mood seemed to dampen at my words and he turned away. 

"You don't remember anything?" He whispered, upset. 

"I remember you saving me." I smiled slightly, hoping he'd feel better. For some reason, seeing him upset ignited a dull ache in my heart. 

"It's okay. It doesn't matter." He sighed, disappearing from sight. 



INFELICE | Alec volturi | Joel Courtney |Where stories live. Discover now