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" summoned by the devil himself "




"I still can't take it all in." Violet muttered but I caught on.

"Its okay. Its a simple choice really - turn or die." I spoke dryly. She shot me an annoyed look.

"So, how old are you?" she smirked. "16." I rolled my eyes.

"How long have you been 16?" she pushed. "50 years."

"50 years? Wow. You are as old as my grandmother. Do you know her, like during your time?"

"Shut up."


"Good morning." Violet yawned.

"There is absolutely nothing good about mornings. This one in particular." I sighed.

"Stop brooding. It's okay. You couldn't control what happened, and I am thankful that you chose saving me over your secret. It means a lot." She smiled. Typical Violet. She can always find that one ray of sunshine during a raging storm.

The sound of a bicycle was heard a couple of meters away from the house followed by the sound of paper hitting the concrete signaling the arrival of the mailman.

A loud slap was heard on the porch followed by an "I'll get it" from Violet.

"So you have magazines, a speeding ticket and two letters from Edward and... this other person." She said handing me a small pile of papers.

"Other person? Who is - Oh my god!" I gasped at the sight of the pile. Right there sticking out, was an off-white envelope with a red wax stamp in the shape of a 'V' that sealed its contents together.

"No no no no. This is not happening. Fuck..." I mumbled to myself, trying to calm my nerves down. If what I think is in that letter, we are screwed.

Mustering every shred of my courage, I lifted up the envelope in my shaking hands.

"What's wrong? What.... Is that from them?" Violet asked, her features screwed up in worry.

I clenched my eyes shut and slowly broke the seal. I pulled out the paper inside and unfolded it, revealing perfect calligraphy which was probably written by the old king.


Dear Cleo Spade,

It has come to my notice that you were recently spotted demonstrating your powers in the presence of a human. That, my friend, is a violation of our most important law, that is, to keep the existence of our kind as a secret. We hope that you possess the intention of turning your fellow friend into one of us, or ending their existence. Fortunately your particular gift has gathered our attention.

We wish to meet you and your ' friend'.

We would be honored for you to join us and our highest ranks for a while as we assess your gifts to see if they are a danger to our kind or not. Whilst your stay, you will be respected as our own and are free to seek companionship within our guard. We would welcome, both you and your friend, with open arms.



"What did they say?"

I couldn't move. They want me to join them.

Heck no.

"Summoned by the devil himself. They want us to join." I growled slamming the paper on the counter. Violet's eyes lit up at my words.


"Why are you excited?" I asked her, not seeing the positive aspect that she suddenly is able to see.

"Well, you did say these people are royalty. We can be royalty too!" She squealed.

"You aren't seeing the larger picture. They are murderers and the people there are ruthless. Were you not listening when I told you how big of bitches the twins are?" I ranted.

"We can always just avoid the twins. Why don't you ever see the good in situations?" Violet frowned.

"Because its hard selling dreams to someone who has walked through nightmares." I snapped.

"Why are you dwelling in the past? Its over! Make like Elsa and let it go! Think about your future!" Violet scolded.

"I don't have a future! Are you seriously convincing me to join the Volturi?" I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose.

"I'm not convincing you to do anything. I just want you to be happy." She sighed.

Well now I feel ten times worse.


INFELICE | Alec volturi | Joel Courtney |Where stories live. Discover now