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" so lucky to be me " 




​​​​​​It is said that good friends are the the light to your darkness, and they brighten your life just by existing.

Cleo is my only friend who was with me through every stage of my uncanny life. She is that ray of light that lit up may dark existence. She might be a cold blooded vampire, but at least she's someone I can rely on completely.

We do argue and fight but can't stay mad at eachother for long.

Cleo has been ignoring me for the past couple of hours because I asked her to consider joining the Volturi. According to me, she would have a better life being surrounded by her kind but she has her own opinions on the topic and refuses to listen to me. I hate it when we are not talking to eachother, I feel lonely. When she isn't here to disturb me, thoughts of my past plague my mind and remind me about what is really wanting for me once she leaves.

"I know you will come back... " I muttered, consoling myself.

"Because of you, she left me and is never coming back!" Dad's voice resonated in my ears making me flinch involuntarily.

Happy thoughts Violet. I sang in my head, trying to distract myself. 

Think about tomorrow, think about... The Volturi. 

I won't deny the fact that the powerful coven hadn't lingered in my thoughts a couple of times. 

Aro, Caius and Marcus.

The leaders of the Volturi.

They might be, more or less, like the monarchs of a country. They make rules and make sure they are followed.

Is it just me, or does the name Aro sound weirdly fascinating.

Dad's name is Arnold. What a coincidence.

What if Aro is as bad as dad?

What if he has the same wrinkled face and fire in this eyes that revokes fear in people?

I never told Cleo that dad beats me up and abuses me on a daily basis. 

I just hope Aro is not like him. The last thing I need is the same cycle all over again. 

And Caius and Marcus.

I wonder what would they be like?

Now that I think about it, Cleo did say something about twins.

Jane and Alec.

The two most powerful vampires to exist. It's no doubt that they would be snooty and consider themselves too good for the world. 

When I think about them, all I imagine is identical twins with the same jet black hair and crimson eyes that could reduce a person's soul to smithereens. 

Then there's Demetri and Felix. 

The tracker, and a seven foot tall man with the temperament of a mad bear. They sound absolutely lovely. Note the sarcasm. 

And Joel Volturi. 

His name has a ring to it that makes him sound like a fierce warrior. 

The chime of the clock knocked me out of my train of thoughts. It was already six and Cleo wasn't back yet. Regret filled the pit of my stomach and I almost launched myself out of the room when I heard the front door open. 

"Cleo your here!" I exclaimed, throwing myself into her arms. 

"Vi! What's wrong? Why are you crying?" She fretted, wrapping her arms around me. 

"I missed you. I'm sorry..." I sniffed.  Honestly, nothing feels better than a hug from your best friend.

"Where were you the entire day Cleo?" I asked her, pulling away a bit. 

"At the travel agency, booking our tickets for Italy." She smiled. 

"What? Italy? Are you serious?" I asked her, not believing my ears. 

"Yes, Italy. Just please ask your parents before we go. The last thing I want is them assuming that I kidnapped you or something." Cleo replied, snickering at the thought of the assumption actually happening. Fortunately, my parents don't care. So I'll just leave a note. 

"Thank you Cleo." I smiled genuinely. 

"Anytime Vi. Now start packing, we leave tomorrow at noon." Cleo said, speeding to her room. 

"I'll start right away" I grinned, frolicking up the stairs and into my makeshift room. 

I (finally) finished packing at midnight, zipped the suitcase Cleo lent me and laid on my bed thinking about my best friend. 

If she wasn't my friend I don't know what or where I would be today.

Possibly dead from jumping off a cliff. Or cutting. My inner demons snarled.

For the first time in so long, that voice had absolutely no effect on me. 

Cleo is practically my everything. She has always loved me and cared for me. She made me smile on the days I didn't want to and unknowingly stopped my self-harm phase. She distracted me from my pitiful thoughts, shoved food down my throat when I was on the brink of anorexia, and showered me with expensive gifts even when she had no business to. She's like my guardian angel.

Or guardian vampire, to be specific. I mused. 

And I am blessed to have her in my life.

I feel so lucky to be me.


INFELICE | Alec volturi | Joel Courtney |Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ