"Tell you what, you come down for the task and sit with us for a while," Nancy started. "And if you feel like finding George, you can bring him over and we'll sit with you while you talk it out. Or if you're feeling really adventurous, you can go sit with your chivalrous Gryffindor friends."

"They really aren't very chivalrous. I had some boy with dreadlocks push me out of the way because he wanted to get to the punch table first at the Yule Ball," Mina rambled aloud and she received two distinctive eye rolls.

"We're all very sorry for your loss," Poppy said in a sarcastic tone before turning back to Blair who held the tiniest of smiles at Mina's description. "So how about it? We can make you look pretty too if you want to get Weasley's attention."

"Get his attention?" Blair repeated. "What do you mean?"


"This skirt is way too short, guys! And you can see my bra through this!" Blair cried as she and her friends walked from the castle and down to the Quidditch grounds.

"So what? It's a pretty bra!" Poppy exclaimed as she gestured to the lacy red bralette that could be seen shining through Blair's white blouse. "I've never seen you in white before. It looks great on you!"

"But what about my-... my..."

"Your ass? It looks cute!" Nancy butted in when she saw Blair's struggle with saying the word. The girl blushed at the mention and grabbed the ends of the blue skirt that Mina had 'kindly' lent her. Blair didn't mind skirts usually, but when her bum cheeks were visible from just below the hem of the material, she felt like she was walking stark naked.

"Why am I doing this again? George has never been short of attention with me before. He wouldn't leave me alone at one point," Blair fought and looked cautiously around her for anyone who noticed her extra visible skin. She was thankful that it had started to get warmer at Hogwarts as summer was settling in faster than expected, so she wasn't shivering like a Chihuahua. But her dignity was wearing thin with her colourful and lack of clothes. 

"Well we've actually wanted to dress you up for one of your dates before. But I think this is the perfect opportunity," Nancy replied. "And you have a great body, Blair. You should dress like this more often."

"Not a chance," Blair mumbled. "I think this is extremely unnecessary. All I want to do is talk to George and hope that he's willing to accept my apology."

"Dressed like that and he surely will," Nancy winked and they had finally reached the Quidditch grounds.

The stadium had been extended into what could only be described as a maze of hedges. The stands had been left to face the four entrances that had been installed for the champions to enter the maze which didn't seem to have an end. The hedges stretched far past any distance anyone could see and the dark sky had no moon or stars, leaving only a faint mist in between the greenery and the black ceiling.

Professor Dumbledore stood in the middle of theclearing where the four champions hopped anxiously on their heels. ProfessorMoody could be seen standing behind Harry and Igor Karkaroff and Madame Maxinestood behind Viktor and Fleur. Cedric had his father fusing over him as thestands began to fill with an anxious and excited crowd.

George was standing next to Fred and Lee as he looked over the heads of every person in the audience that piled into the stadium. He was yearning for the sight of black hair and all black clothes in order to settle his heavily beating heart. He hadn't stopped rushing around after sending his hurried letter to his parents, only to have them appear in the Great Hall completely unannounced. They stated that they were here to watch Harry compete in the last task and said that the owl he had sent would just drop the letter through the window for them to open later.

"Was it something important, dear?" Molly had asked and George bashfully shrugged and said he'd tell her after the tournament.

He thought that it was better to ask Blair about coming to The Burrow first rather than excite his mother unnecessarily. Blair might completely dismiss his offer and that would not only crush him, but his mother's expectations as well. But he was prepared to fight against Blair regardless of how guarded she was during their previously heated discussion.

"So when are we supposed to be meeting the Ravenclaw, Georgie?" Bill asked as his head appeared from the stand behind. He had tagged along with his parents in order to see Harry compete and to talk to Charlie who had stuck around the first task.

"I'm trying to look for her," he threw back over his shoulder before returning his attention to the entrance of the stadium to continue searching for her. "I hope she's coming."

"Prepare yourself. She's quite the downer," Fred commented and shrunk back from the glare that George threw him.

"Hm, thought you'd go for a more outgoing bird," Bill said as he stood back up straight with his arms over his chest, surveying the crowd for someone he imagined for his younger sibling. "More like that one there."

Out of pure curiosity, George looked to where Bill was motioning his head to and felt his eyes nearly pop out of his skull. If it wasn't for her nervous and tense body language, he wouldn't have recognised her at all. She stood with her arms hugging close to her chest and looking continuously over her shoulder with a heavy flush on her cheeks. Nancy, Mina and Poppy chatted to each other nonchalantly in front of her, not even acknowledging Blair's drastic change in outfit.

"Holy Merlin," Fred gasped with his eyes just as wide as his younger twin's. "She's been hiding all of that?!"

"You have a girlfriend, Fred," Lee commented with a roll of his eyes.

George was barely listening as he tried to stop his eyes from zeroing in on Blair's exposed thighs. Not only was her bra exposed through her very thin top, but the buttons were undone enough to allow the prominent line of her cleavage to show. Now George considered himself as fairly modest and respectful when it came to girls. But then again, he was a teenage boy who had very recently turned seventeen. And the sight of Blair's extra showing skin and prominent feminine features was making it hard for him to keep calm. He was sure that his ears were the same colour as his hair and that his palms were sweating enough to make a small body of water. 

"Wait... is that her then?" Bill questioned, confused. This seemed to bring George to his senses and he shakily stepped out of his seat to head down the stairs. He was able to force his legs to move accordingly but could feel his eyelids begin to lower over his eyes continuously, making him appear as if he had something stuck in both of his eyes. His continuous blinking made Fred watch him leave with a chuckle and confirmed Bill's suspicions, making the oldest sibling chuckle as well.

"I knew he'd pull through. She's fit," he stated with a shrug before his eyes swept over to Fleur Delacour, who was having a stern talking to by Madame Maxine. His eyebrows raised and a smirk started climbing on to his face. "But not that fit, I suppose."

George was in front of Blair before he had processed it and hadn't prepared what he had wanted to say yet. She had stepped into the stands with her friends, only to turn her head and freeze at the figure next to her who had the face of a tomato and an odd blinking pattern. She became extremely self-conscious and made an effort to at least cover her chest, but wasn't close to being successful.

Her previous nerves returned as George obviously looked like he wanted to say something and she tried to forget what she looked like for a moment. She wordlessly sat down on the bench behind her and left a large enough space for him to do the same, motioning with her head as she didn't trust her words just yet. George got the message and sat down; keeping a sliver of air between his thigh and her very exposed one. 

"I'm sorry."

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