The Lonely ~Seth Clearwater Oneshot~

Start from the beginning

"That's true!" I piped and recalled a certain pixie girl that I knew loved to shop that I could call for that. If I wanted to that was. "Let's go home! I can't wait to see Jared and Paul again!" I exclaimed and laughed as I skipped out the airport with my carry on bag slung on my shoulder.

"There's going to be more than just those wolves there," Sam said criptically and I tilted my head back at him, confused.


Emily hit Sam's arm lightly, "Oh! Don't mind him, you'll see when you get there."


Sam pulled up to the house. To my home. Eep! I jumped out of the truck and ran inside. Stopping short, I took in all of the people in my small home. How on Earth did they all fit into my cozy home? I would never know.

"SAM!" I screamed to the loudest of my abilities. I noticed all of the wolves winced. Too loud.

"What?" he asked and chuckled at the dumbfounded look on my face. "These are the packs," he said simply. So much for an explaination.

"Sam," several of the wolves as well as I growled out.

"Lyra, brothers," Sam said with a smirk.

"Sam what are you doing telling someone outside of the pack and mates?" the only female wolf barked. I recognized her as Sam's ex-girlfriend and Emily's cousin, Leah.

"And how do you know Lyra Simmons?" a boy, around my age I presume, demanded in awe. I knew he had to of been a fan.

"Packs?" I inquired and he sighed.

"Be silent!" he growled out and we shut up. He turned to Leah and the newer of the wolves to explain, " Lyra knows our secret because she was the first to figure it out after the first three of us phased. She has lived with me for six and a half years now, or, really, whenever she comes home." He then turned to Seth and said, "Lyra has been family to me since before she even came to live with me." Then, he turned to me and said, "You missed a lot, Squirt."

I stared at him in a stump. That was all he had to say to me? Really? I frowned for a second before plastering a smile on my face. "Fine. Fine. But I will get it out of..." I scanned the room to see all of the familiar faces. Paul and Jared were busy sucking face so I decided against it. I spotted only three other people, Jacob, Quil, and Embry, that I knew. But, by the way they were looking, they probably wouldn't tell me. Hm...Oh! I knew the perfect prey. "I'll just have him tell me," I said as I wrapped my arm around some fanboy's shoulders. Damn he was hot. Not that I would say that until I knew him better of course. I had my shy moments.

The boy was shocked and at a loss for words for a few heart beats before he grinned and shouted, "YES!" I noticed he did a kind of awkward fist pump and I burst out laughing. Oh, how this boy was amusing.

So, after introductions and the rather long and funny chat with the guy named Seth, it was dinner time. "Thank you, Emily!" I chirped. "I missed these home meals," I said and happily dug into my alfredo. I closed my eyes and moaned. God, this was heaven. Everyone was giving me a funny look when my eyes opened back up. "What?" I asked cocking my head to the side innocently.

"Oh, nothing," Paul said but quickly added, "You're just having sex with your food is all."

"Paul!" Rachel exclaimed with wide eyes and smaked him. She winced a little but turned to me and quickly said, "He didn't mean that!" It was silent for monsterous moments.

I burst out laughing. "Thanks, Paul. I'll keep that in mind when dessert comes and you piss your pants, it's so good," I shot back with a grin. Several people 'Oooh'ed and 'burn'ed him.

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