She Ain't the Cheatin' Kind ~A Kiba Inuzuka Oneshot~

Start from the beginning

"Rose...!" He said and was stunned by what I was wearing. I gave him a quirky smirk before walking on.

When I got to the party everyone's eyes bulged out when they saw me. I was never one to wear dresses hell I hated the dress I was wearing at the moment but I wore it anyway because Kankuro would be there and I wanted revenge. I was not one to cheat and I definitely did not tollerate being cheated on. It hurt too much.

My hands were shaky and sweat developed on my brow. I walked over to the bar and grabbed two bottles of sake before siting down at one of the booths. I knew by the insanity of the eyes on me and the way I was functioning that I would definitely drink all of his memories away by the end of tonight.

"Hey, Rose," Kiba greeted me as he slide into the seat across from me.

"Hello, Kiba," I greeted back as I glanced around the room as I took a large sip out of the sake bottle. He was here. I could see his annoying purple face paint from across the room and I knew he could see me by the quick glances he kept shooting my way. I smirked. Shows him.

"What are you doing?" he asked me even though he obviously knew the answer since he was in the same boat as I was.

I handed him a sake bottle. "What do you think?" I countered back at him. "I'm having a fuckin' good time," I told him while using profound language and barking a laugh.

"You're going to waste your life away if you keep on with that drinking," he commented as he eyed me grabbing at three more bottles from a waitress who was walking by.

I glanced at the dance floor and smirked. "Fine, if you don't want me to waste my life away on booze, come dance with me," I said as I got up and pulled my best friend with me.


I groaned as I woke up to the sun glaring into my eyes and a massive hangover. Once my eyes focused I looked around and noticed that I wasn't in my room. I stirred a little and turned to look next to me. Kiba. I freaked. What was I doing at Kiba's house? What had happened last night?

Kiba started to stir and when he opened his eyes he smiled happily at me. "Good morning Beautiful," he murmered and I baked away pulling the covers with me which resulted in me falling onto the floor. Kiba was hovering over the bed in a split second. "Are you okay?" he asked and I have him a bit of a glare.

"Define the definition of 'okay'," I muttered as I slowly tried to get up without letting Kiba see any of my exposed self.

He sighed. "I'll go make breakfast," he offered but I shook my head.

"I need to get going. Where are my clothes?" I questioned as I noticed they weren't, like, skattered on his clean floor.

"They're in the washing room. You got sick on them last night," he said with a small smile.

I groaned and complained, "I don't remember anything!"

"Well you had about five or so bottles of sake, we danced, you told Kankur

ō and Ino to fuck off, and then you wanted to come to my house. You got sick and passed out in bed after getting undressed," he explained and I sighed as I sat back onto the floor.

"So then why was I sleeping in the same bed as you?" i questioned and he scratched the back of his head. "I don't know. I was asleep on the couch but I think Akamaru dragged me up here," he said and I rolled my eyes.

"I didn't expect your room to be so clean," I commmented and he laughed.

"Ino hated it when my room was dirty..." he trailed off as he remembered something.

"They're stupid, Kiba, don't let them get to you," I told him as, for a second, I forgot that I was naked and hugged his waist from the ground.

"Which is why you did something completely unlike your tomboyish self last night," he shot back and I frowned but sighed.

"I admit I wanted revenge..." I said and trailed off, dejected.

It was silent for a little while before he responeded, "I have some of clothes you can barrow." He got up and, after diggin through several of his dresser drawers, found what he was looking for. "These should fit you," he said as he tossed me a mussle shirt and some baggy pants.

"Thanks..." I trailed off and thougth of when Kankur

ō told me I needed to be more feminine. "Hey...Kiba?" I called out.

"Yeah?" he questioned.

"Do you think I need to be more feminine?" I asked him adn he was immediately sitting next to me.

"No! You being you is the best you there is and you should n't have to change that!" he said in a rush and I almost got discombobulated.

"Jeesh! You almost made me discombobulated!" I exclaimed and he laughed. He gave me a hug and I whispered, "Thanks Kiba."

"Ummmm...Rose?" He questioned and I turned to look at him. "I need to tell you something..." He said softly.

"What?" I asked as I turned so that I could face him correctly.

"I...I'm just going to flat out say it," he paused dramatically before he said, "I like you, Rose. A lot. I've liked you ever since the Academy days. I hated that you were dateing such an ass. I could do anything either because you seemed so happy and he was two of your best friends' brother. But now I can and I will. Forget about him, Rose, let me take his spot. Please." He wasn't begging, not really, but he was pleading.

I drew in a deep breath before I nodded. "Yes. Okay. I think you're what I need right now Kiba. I can't promise you anthing but I'll try," I said as I grabbed his hands.

"That's good enough for me," he muttered before sealing it with a passionate kiss. He was a good kisser.

The End

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