Fallen Angels ~Andy Sixx~

Start from the beginning

"You really don’t get it do you?" I exclaimed. "You shouldn’t have done it. I begged you not to do it. You don’t know how bad Harley can get!" I said and started to walk away.

Andy grabbed my wrist and pulled me back, lightly, so it wouldn’t hurt me. He had this cheesy smirk on his face while asking me, "Are you implying that you’re worried about me?"

I flushed red and smacked his arm. "Yes!" I exclaimed in utter embarrassment.

He smiled and then wrapped his arm around my waist. "Well, don’t worry I can take care of myself," he assured me and started to walk again towards home.

I still hadn’t fully forgiven Andy but I couldn’t really avoid him either, for obvious reasons of course. I cracked six eggs expertly and flipped the pancakes.

"What’s for breakfast this morning?" Andy questioned as he walked in from having a smoke.

I made a face. "That’s a nasty habit," I commented as he stood looking over my shoulder. He rolled his eyes and grabbed himself a plate. I took it out of his hands and he raised his eyebrow. "We’re eating together," I informed him and he sighed.

"Yes, Mother," he muttered in response and I ignored him.

When I had finished with the food and set the table, I went to go get the guys. I stood at the bottom of the stairs that ked up to the loft, about to call for breakfast when I heard what they were talking about.

"You’ve got to tell her, Man," Jinxx told someone.

"She hates me!" Andy exclaimed in a semi-hushed whisper.

"My sister doesn’t hate you, Andy," Ashley assured his friend and band mate.

"Then why can’t we hang out like we used to?" he questioned, exasperated.

"Because back when you used to hang out it was to get you away from your girlfriends most of the time, remember?" Jake pointed out and I shrugged. It was kind of true.

"And she was always trying to avoid Harley…" Andy trailed off in thought. "I wonder what Harley was spouting about when he found her…"

I frowned. "Hey guys! Breakfast is ready!" I called up and they all came down the stairs, Andy last. At the end of breakfast I got Andy to help me do dishes. "He wanted me to meet him at the Pier," I said casually as I washed.

"What?" He questioned, confused.

"Harley, Andy. Harley," I replied and he seemed shocked.

"Were you eaves dropping on us?" he questioned and I smiled slightly.

"I wouldn’t call it eaves dropping, but only because I was the one doing it," I said giggling a little bit.

"Why the Pier?" he suddenly asked.

I was silent for a bit before saying, "He knew it was the only place I’ve ever felt at ease at. If I had gone he would have raped me or something worse to destroy that little bit of sanctuary."

His face got hard. "I’m so sorry," he apologized.

I shook my head. "It’s not your fault, besides that ass is going to get what’s coming to him one day," I said smiling a bit.

"So how much did you hear?" he questioned and I smiled.

"I don’t hate you, Andy, I’m just agitated," I responded and he sighed.

"I should have known you’d have heard it all…" he muttered and I laughed.

"So what is it that you have to tell me?" I questioned.

He smiled and pulled me into a tight hug. "I love you. You know that, right?" he muttered into my hair.

I smiled when he looked down at me. "Not like I love you," I replied in a ‘joking’ matter.

"No, I LOVE you," he said emphasizing the word love.

"I know, and I LOVE you more than anything in the whole galaxy!" I exclaimed slightly childishly.

He rolled his eyes. "You don’t get it, Courtney, I love-love you. As in I’m IN love with you," he said and I laughed.

"I know, I understood you when you said it the first time," I replied and smiled at him. I slid his phone out of his back pocket as I gave him a peck on the corner of his mouth and then I started to run off. "Gotta catch me if you want your phone back!" I called while running.

I heard him gasp and shout, "I’m gunna get you!" Then I heard the bands’ laughter from the loft upstairs.

4 months later

I woke up to Andy’s peaceful face. I slowly got up out of bed, making sure not to disturb him. I went into the kitchen to make some coffee. When it was done I turned on the TV in the living room and sat down on the couch. I put the news on.

I sat there just listening to the weather, politics, and whatever else that came on until something caught my attention. "The search for the murderer and rapist of the teenage girl that was found last week has now been stopped. It appears that the man responsible for Lacy Feely’s case is Harley Achler. He has been taken into custody and it’s been determined that he will serve a ten year sentence. The police are still searching to see if he had any other victims aside from Ms. Feely," the lady said and I stared in shock at the TV screen.

"Hello, beautiful," Andy murmured into my ear as he wrapped his arms around me.

I grinned up at him and gave him an upside down kiss. "I have a feeling today is going to be THE best day ever," I said as I smiled at him after breaking the kiss.

"Why? Did you ease drop on us again?" he teased and I rolled my eyes.

"No… Why? What were you guys talking about? Should I be worried?" I questioned as I turned around so I was facing him but on my knees.

"You’ll see," he replied with that adorable yet teasing smile on his face.

"When?" I questioned as I draped my arms on his shoulders.

"Soon," He said and then leaned down to kiss me but I turned away. "Court?" he questioned.

"Nope, no kiss, not until I find out," I informed him and he sighed.

Andy walked around the couch and knelt down in front of me. I gave him a confused look and cocked my head to the side. "Andy?" I questioned.

He raised a finger up signaling me to wait and then dug a small velvet black box out of his pajama pants. "Courtney Purdy will you do me the honor of making me the happiest man alive and marry me?" he asked and I laughed.

"Yes!" I exclaimed and then added, "I thought I already have made you the happiest man alive." He rolled his eyes and then I asked, "Did you have that in your pants the whole night?"

He rolled his eyes and said, "Let me just slip this ring on your finger already." I laughed and gave him my hand. I smiled as he slid the ring on. It was going to be an interesting experience. Our love, that is.


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