Werewolf ~Remus Lupin Oneshot~

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When things started to shake on the shelves and burst into flames for no reason he had to tell her. Of course having her husband lie to her all theses years tore her apart along with their marriage. Then of course when Jessi was eleven she got the letter from Hogwarts and her mother freaked out that her child would be away from her for a year. Growing up the south her mother wasn’t fond of sending her child off to a ‘boarding school’ of sorts.

Her father tried to explain to her mother that it was necessary for Jessi to go so she could learn how to use her powers but her mother wasn’t hearing it and it put even more stress on their marriage until it finally broke apart one night when they were trying to work things out. Her mother insisted that he be completely honest with her about everything and so he did along with the confession that he primarily liked men until she came along. That was the last straw and they split and her mother left leaving him to take care of his seven children.

But Jessi has had a happy childhood. She’s loved by her older brothers and her father and is happy that he has found love in Nicholas. Though sometimes she does miss her mother and wishes that she still had her around for certain things a girl needs her mother for.

But she realized that her mother just couldn’t handle it and she’s ok with it which I think is why she hates drama. After having something like that happen to you….trivial things just don’t seem worth worrying over.

Deepest Secret (that no one knows): Hmm…let’s c. Well if you want you can make her bisexual. Or maybe that she volunteers down at St. Mungo’s to read in the childrens ward when Dumbledore let’s her. You can pick either one or both if you’d like. I tried to give you a sweet option and an edgy option. That way you go have creative flow either way.

Other (anything else I need to know about you): Hmm I don’t really think there’s anything else you should know about her. Man I’ve never really thought out all this information for a character before. Basically for Jess I’d just got up the basic looks and personality but this was good for me. It’ll help me develop her a little more, haha.

Ending (happy, sad, curious): Well I’m gonna say happy…I know terribly predictable of me but I’m out of my sad, dark mood and I’m looking for a little sunshine, haha.

Mood (happy, depressed, dark): Again I’m gonna say happy but like if you wanna start dark and depressed and angry I’m ok with that too.

Era (The Golden Trio, Maruaders, etc.): Well I’m gonna say Maruaders but if you want Remus to be older than Jessi that I’m ok with it being Golden Trio. All you’ll need to do is message me and I’ll adjust some things for you.

The book it is set in: I don’t really know what you mean by this. Like a specific part of the book? I don’t really care. You have creative liberty to go wherever you want to with it.

Any event you want to happen in your oneshot (opional): Go nuts! Do what you want, haha. I trust you with it.

"Hey, Remmy." I said as I gave him a great big hug.

He chuckled. "Hey Jessi."

"Hey Jess." James said and Sirius gave me a hug.

"Hello James. Nice to see you Sirius." I said to my ex and my best friend. "Have you guy’s seen Xenophilius?" I asked.

"You mean your hippy friend?" Sirius questioned.

"Yeah, I was supposed to meet up with him but he wasn’t where we normally go." I said and they shook their heads. "Oh well. I guess I’ll just hang out here."

"So what are you going to do after this year?" Sirius asked me and I smiled.

"I’m going home."

"Where was that again?" James asked.

"Gatlinburg, Tennessee." I said.

"That’s pretty far." Remus said and I shrugged.

"I enjoy not being from England like almost everyone else is, even though my dad is." I said shrugging.

Sirius laughed at that but I just shrugged it off. "I love you, my half-blood friend." He said and gave me a gigantic hug.


"Let go of her, Padfoot, before you break her." James said and Sirius let me go.

"Thanks James, Tell Lily I say hi." I said as he got ready to leave for their date.

"Sure thing." He said and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Good luck, Jess." He whispered in my ear for only me to hear and then took his leave.

"I think I see twins…I wonder if I can convince them to go on a date with me…" Sirius said as he left us.

I raised an eyebrow at the retreating Sirius and said to Remus, "I wonder if he realizes that those two are the girls that he screwed over." Remus laughed and pulled me to him.

"Probably not but if he hadn’t of left we wouldn’t have had our alone time, right?" He questioned and kissed my temple.

"That’s true… Hey…um…Remus?" I asked as I looked up at him.


"Do you want to go with me? To Tennessee, I mean. My family’s pretty interesting and I’m sure you’ll just love them." I said and he smiled down at me.

"Sure. I’d like that a lot." He said and I relaxed into the couch next to him.

Remus is going to go to Tennessee with me and meet my family… I hope he doesn’t get freaked out about my father being bisexual…

"Oh my god!" I exclaimed and shot up at the thought of the word, bisexual.

"What? What’s wrong?" Remus asked confused and I turned to him.

"I kinda just remembered that last summer I didn’t end things with my lover." I said and bit my lip.

"What?!" Remus said, shocked.

"I, like, completely forgot about her…" I said and he froze.

"Her?" He questioned.

"Ummmm. Yeah…I’m bi, Remmy…" I admitted.

"Does anyone else know?" He asked and I shrugged.

"My dad, his boyfriend, my brothers, and then Nat – my female lover." I said listing them off. "Oh! And you."

"Your dad is…"

"Bisexual as well…" I said. "You don’t hate me, do you?" I asked as I bit my lip.

I think this is the first time I’ve ever been so nervous about something. "Of course not, I love you."

I squealed. "I love you too."


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