" There's mozzarella sticks " Nae says to him since he always eats that shit. I mean all the fucking time. He puts the menu down when she tells him that and I chuckle. Joe's phone starts ringing making him sit up. " It's your dad " I tell him and hand  him his phone. He answers it with a grumpy hello. He immediately says sorry when Colby hits his shoulder. " Le a? " he says speaking Samoan. Let me tell you I didn't even fucking knew he spoke Samoan.

" Ou te le o talanoa e uiga i lena tama " Joe says and starts bouncing his leg up and down and he does that when he's irritated or uncomfortable. " Tama " he says. He says bye then hangs up. " Since when the fuck do you speak Samoan? " Colby ask.
" All Samoans know a little Samoan " Joe responds and puts his head back on Colby's lap.

" What does tama mean? " Renee ask.
" Dad " he tells us. " What's your name in Samoan? " I ask. Colby laughs. " Leatì " Colby says. " He literally has a Samoan name " I roll my eyes and laugh as the waiter comes over. Surprisingly Colby didn't move Joe off him or freak out.We tell him our order and he walks away.

" Good job you didn't freak " Renee says to Colby. " He's gay " Colby says making me choke on my water. " How do you know? " I ask him dumbfounded.
" Bitch number one his outfit and also no straight male puts that much fucking gel in their hair " Colby says making Renee die with laughter. " That's so true " she says in between laughs.
" I should beat him up " I hear Joe say and Colby rolls his eyes. " Why? " I ask.

" I don't like the way he looked at Colby " Joe says. " Awwww that's cute " Renee coos. I laugh and he comes over with our order. " Will you need anything else? " He ask us.
" No " Joe says coldly and the guy walks away. Colby slaps Joe. " That's not nice " Colby tells him and Renee laughs.

" Awwww look at his wittle hands " Colby says in a baby voice looking behind me. I look behind me to see a baby looking around and moving his hands around in his carriage. I laugh and turn back around. The baby starts laughing and Colby waves at him. Yup he's gay alright. " I'm uncomfortable " Joe states making me laugh. " He's just a baby " Colby says to him and continues to wave at the baby making him giggle more.

" Yes and that's why I'm uncomfortable " Joe says. I laugh at his sarcastic but serious tone. " Awww look at his cute wittle piggy shirt " Colby says freaking out over the piglet on the baby's shirt. Joe looks at Colby serious. " And you still think people somehow don't know you like dick why? " Joe ask being a asshole. Colby gasp and covers Joe's mouth. " Don't say bad words in front of the baby! " Colby scolds. Renee starts laughing hysterically again.

" O le a ou tagi i luma o le ma pepe " Joe mumbles in Samoan me having no clue what he said. Renee gasp and Joe turns his attention to her. " You know what that meant? " he ask. She nods and claps fangirling over something he said. " Shh " He tells her and she laughs.

An hour later

We are all now in some weird vintage antique store Colby and Renee dragged us into. Me and Joe are just trodding behind them as they freak out over every little thing. Colby gasp and Joe mumbles oh no.
" Look at the little turtle dish " Colby says. I laugh and Joe just slaps himself. Colby grabs it and continues walking. He gasp again making me and Joe groan. " It's a baby doll! " Colby says exitedly.

" Oh yay a baby doll " Joe says clapping being sarcastic. Colby gives him a look then grabs the baby doll. " I'm naming him Tyler " Colby says. " Awww baby Tyler! " Renee says looking at the baby doll. Colby gasp and grabs another boy baby doll. " They can be brothers! " he says a little to happy about some baby dolls. " Has anyone ever told you that you could possibly be a little to gay? " Joe ask and Colby flips him off.

" Ooh name that one Ben! " Renee says and Colby gasp liking the name obviously. Renee squeals and runs over to something. " Colby look you can put clothes on them! " She says and Colby runs over there. " He's definitely gay " Joe tells me and I laugh. " I'm aware " I tell him and we follow Renee and Colby and their fucking baby dolls.
" Aww they have little socks! " Colby says beaming. I laugh as Joe bangs his head on the wall. " Oh yay shoes! " Colby says grabbing baby doll shoes.

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