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I loved him. He was my everything when I had nothing. He always came to me when I was lonely. I loved him.

We've been married for 3 years. He is my life. We had 3 children.

One day it was different. He acted strange. He never gave me everything. He never came when I was lonely. It was strange. After 2 days he never talked. I looked at him everyday, brought him flowers, nothing. I kept hoping he would return the same. I always looked at pictures of him,when he was himself. I didn't understand. Why would he shut me out like this.

1 year, no words. On our anniversary, no words. He just laid there. It was different, not having him there to comfort me, he was there, it didn't seem like it though. After a while I began to get irritated. I went to the room he was lied in. I asked him, "Why do you ignore me? Why?" After no response, I began to tear up. "Answer me!" I shouted. I was fed up with this. I grabbed the can and ran outside. I was so tired of this. I dumped the ashes in the front yard, where our three children were buried.


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