On a Mystery's Black Wings

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Taken from Romeo and Juliet:
With love's light wings did I o'erperch these walls, For stony limits cannot hold love out, And what love can do, that dares love attempt. Therefore thy kinsmen are no stop to me." 

r, in English: 
"I flew over these walls with the light wings of love. Stone walls can’t keep love out. Whatever a man in love can possibly do, his love will make him try to do it. Therefore your relatives are no obstacle."

Kogoro loves his kid. He's gonna make sure Conan's okay.


At the table, Ran pored over legal papers and guidelines, her father next to her. He really was serious about adopting Conan. Now that she thought about it, he hadn't had a drop of alcohol over a week, and he stopped smoking, too. The office was cleaner than it had been in years, and those parenting books on his desk didn't have a speck of dust on them. In fact, they looked well-used despite being brand new from the library.

On top of it all, her father had begun renovating the large storage room upstairs, equipping it with a proper bed, a dresser, and a bookshelf. He moved the cleaning supplies and food storage that was in there to the bathroom and to the kitchen pantry.

Conan's new room was just a little smaller than Ran's, but it also had a trapdoor to the roof. Both Ran and her dad knew Conan would like that. More than a few times, they caught him sneaking through the storage room to get some air in the middle of the night. Conan seemed to like the open air, especially at night (especially after KID heists). If they found him there, he would be staring up at something in the sky, or he’d be at the edge of the roof, staring at the ground below.

A month or so after he came to live with them, he scared Ran once by sitting on the edge, staring at the ground like he was going to jump. Ran was never sure why she’d had that thought, but she called out to him.

“Conan-kun, come away from the edge. It’s dangerous,” she’d said, stepping towards him.

He turned around with a smile too big to be real. “Don’t worry, Ran-neechan. I’d never jump.” Her heart skipped a beat as he echoed her fears. Sliding off the ledge, he’d come to her and taken her hand. His smile softened, and Ran picked him up into her arms, holding him tight.

“Don’t scare me like that,” she whispered. “Let’s go back to bed.”

He nodded his little head in assent, and they never spoke of that night to anyone.

He never spoke of suicide unless it was in a case, and then he would mention at home how selfish suicide was in the bitterest of voices. Ran privately hoped that with her dad’s new initiative to take care of Conan, they could get Conan into some therapy. Whatever his life had been before left scars too deep for anyone to see clearly, Ran knew Conan and she knew he needed help.

She riffled through the papers. “Tou-san, I think that’s everything. We just need consent from Conan-kun and his parents.”

“And we need a lawyer to officially fight for custody of him. Eri won’t do it. She’s still furious with me.” Her dad rubbed the spot between his eyebrows. “I’ve got an old friend from when I worked in the force, Anzai. He’s coming by tomorrow for a few hours to help finalize all the papers.”

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