He pulls my chair out for me "Are you flirting with me Miss Grayson?" Am I? Once he sits down the waitress brings us a bottle of wine. I look at the wine "Great choice. My dad loves that wine too." He arches his brow "Well I ordered it for us." I hold up my glass "Cheers... I definitely need a drink." I took a huge gulp "So tell me Mr. Attorney why don't you have a girlfriend?" His brows slightly raised "I am still waiting for the right one." I giggle "Right one to bring home to your daddy?" Wait a second... I'm talking about myself here. He gives me this weird look "Why am I doing it for my dad? You are a funny one Willow Grayson." I lean over to be closer to him "You know our dads are trying to hook us up right?" He throws back his head and laugh for a few seconds "Is that right? Well I'm happy if that's their plan." I want to tell him about Milo but I cannot "Well are you saying you want to hook up with me?" He leans closer to me and our lips are just inches apart "I would like to date you and see where it leads to." I find him looking at my lips and I move away fast "Well there are some qualities I look for in a man." He licks his lips "Tell me." I begin "He has to know how to dance Drake. He must know how to cook. He must know how to pose. He must know how to make me laugh. He must know how to bring heaven to me." Am I talking about Milo? He looks amused "I get all that but the posing and bringing heaven to you?" I explain to him "Well my hobby is photography and I need a guy to pose for my pictures. And the bringing heaven to me part... don't worry about it." He seems very curious "The bringing heaven part... I somehow think that means something very wicked but pleasurable." My face is turning red "Let's not talk about that. The posing part...my subject usually have to be naked." He starts to laugh again "So you see a lot of different subjects in their naked forms." I thought of Milo "No... no. I mean you would have to be okay to be posing naked... When needed." Okay Willow... what are you talking about. Why am I talking to Adrian so openly when this is only the second time we meet. I have no clue why I feel so comfortable around him. Our food came and there was not a moment of silence between us. I think maybe because he is an attorney, he knows how to keep a conversation flowing "How many women have you been with?" He takes his hand out and start counting his fingers, mumbling to himself "Five total." I am getting curious "Five as in the ones you have had sex with right?" He nods his head as he laughs "Yes I slept with five women." I asked Milo one time and he told me he slept with over forty women. I knew the question is coming when Adrian asked me how many boyfriends I have had. I told him "One..." Then he said "So is it safe to say that you've only slept with one guy?" I bit down on my bottom lip "Yes... I slept with one guy in my twenty-three years of life." I can tell he is happy "Your parents raised you well." I wanted to tell him it was only because I loved Milo and nobody else. I am hoping in time Adrian and I can be friends without all that romantic shit like my dad wants. I like Adrian... I really do. He's cool and we get along great. I look at my watch "Oh my god... do you know it's almost midnight?" He winks "Time flies when you are having fun." I took out the phone from my purse to make sure I didn't have any missed calls from Milo and god forbid... he called me five times. I look at Adrian "Let's get out of here. It's getting late."

Adrian watched me get into a cab before he left. As soon as I got into the cab, I called Milo "Sorry Milo... I was busy I didn't check my phone." He asked "Where are you now?" I really hate lying to him "In the cab on my way back." He says "I'll see you in a bit."

As Milo

So Willow said she had to work late and now it's already midnight. She never worked this late before and she didn't even pick up when I called her. I am not too happy and I know work is work. I wonder if that guy Nolan is working with her tonight. I waited another 30 minutes and still no sign of her. I called her and she answered "Milo... where are you?" I didn't know what she was saying "What do you mean? I'm home." She mutters "Oh shit... I am at my place Milo." I am getting more upset by the minute "Shorty... when do you ever go back to your place after work?" She stayed very quiet. I calmed myself down "Do you want me to come over?" She sighed "It's late Milo and I'm very tired. I'll see you tomorrow?" I took a deep breath to keep myself from screaming "Fine... go to sleep. I'll see you tomorrow." I don't know why I'm so upset. I mean it's just one night without her, what's the big fucking deal. Then I got a text from Mrs. Grayson, she wanted to see me tomorrow night. Her husband is leaving in the morning on a business trip which means that she will be free to fuck around. She wants me to meet up with her in the same hotel, same room at 8 PM. That means I might not see Willow tomorrow night unless I can wham bam thank you ma'am. Mrs. Grayson is not one for cuddles but usually I stay longer and we smoke and have drinks at the balcony. What should I tell Willow? She knows her dad is going on a business trip which means I might have to work late. I texted Willow "Sweet dreams shorty. I will be missing you tonight." Of course she didn't respond. She must be in dreamland already.

Mrs. Grayson

I've been waiting for Sheldon to leave on a business trip with Liz. He thinks that I don't know he's fucking Liz? I found out long time ago and I knew for a fact that Milo broke up with Liz not long after. It was that one night when we had the party and Sheldon was fucking Liz in his library. While Milo was watching them, I was watching him. And so this game started. Not long after, Milo started showing interest in my daughter Willow. Was he really in love with Willow at that time? Of course not. He was just getting over a heartbreak. I knew right away he must be doing this to get back at Sheldon. And does he love Willow now? I am pretty sure he does. But that doesn't mean he has all the right intentions with Willow. I, as a mom, have to protect my daughter. How? I will keep Milo close. I make sure Milo thinks I'm on his side and it is my husband that he will have to be careful with. When the time comes that I need to get rid of Milo, I will. My daughter will only marry someone of social status. I even dream of her marrying a prince. And I'm not talking about fairytale prince. Milo is just our maid's son and one of my boy toys. I need to be careful that Willow doesn't find out about this. I don't know what she would do if it comes to the day when she finds out the man of her dream, is pleasuring her own mother. A lot of you are going to think what a terrible thing for a mother to be doing this to her own daughter. But like I said, Milo is not the one to marry my Willow. He will be discarded like a piece of trash when I'm done with him. For now, I am just going to enjoy what he still has to offer. My daughter is young and she's beautiful, she will find someone that's more to her ranking with my help. I love my darling daughter. My intention for Willow is to help her find a man that will give her the life her father gives me. It's the BEST life any women could ever ask for. I place the lingerie that I plan on wearing tomorrow night on the bed. Sheldon is not home yet but he will be coming home soon to pack for his trip. We have not slept in the same bed for over five years which is just prefect for me. In front of people we are the perfect couple. Behind closed doors... we are still the perfect couple. He is still very attentive to me and whatever I ask for, I get. I know Sheldon needs me as much as I need him... just not in bed.

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