Risky Boots: That's awesome!

Machito: Bro, I'm glad you let something else go.

Infinite: Oh, I let my hatred go a long time ago, brother.

Dark Squid: I suppose we should be going back home.

(Y/N): Okie dokie!

Meggy: Bye!

Mephilia waved, as Mephiles teleported himself and his family back to their home.

ReaderFromWR: Infinite...

Angelina: Are you SURE you want to leave Mephiles alive?

Infinite: Yes. No one can change my decision, got it? Like I said... Just give him a chance.

ReaderFromWR: Grrr... Fine.

(Y/N): How about we just watch a movie and relax?

Infinite: Yeah, we deserve it. But before we do that, let's put the News Channel on.

Luna: Okay, dad. 

Meggy grabbed the remote and turned the News Channel on.

Callie: It's the Squid Sisters...

Pearl: And Off The Hook live, coming at you from Inkopolis Plaza!

Marie: This huge war has finally come to a close!

Marina: And we want to thank the Multiversal Heroes for doing what they always do best!

Callie: Thanks so much, all of you!

Pearl: Awesome work, guys!

Marie: We're forever grateful!

(Y/N): You're welcome, you four.

Marina: And... 

Pearl: As a gift for their hard work...

The camera switched to the outside, where a few Inklings were ready to pull a sheet off of something massive.

Cristina: Oh?

Meggy: What's that?

Callie: Go on ahead, guys!

Inkling: Got it! Three... Two... One...

The Inklings pulled the sheet, revealing a massive stone statue of all of the Multiversal Heroes.

(Y/N): WHOA!

Infinite: That's so cool!

Lost: Hell yeah!

Clauds: How generous of them!

Marina: You guys will never be forgotten.

Pearl: You are all living legends!

Marie: Anyways, we're signing off!

Callie/Marie/Marina/Pearl: And until next time... Stay Fresh!/Don't get cooked, stay off the hook!

Meggy: Man, Inkopolis is so nice!

Infinite: We'll go see the statue later. Alright, what shall we watch?

Luna: I know!

Clark: What have you got in mind, Luna?

Luna grabbed Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2, as everyone smiled.

(Y/N): Wise choice. Let's watch it!

Luna put the disc into the DVD Player, as she sat down next to Clark.

B0b: NoM nOm NoM!

SB123 B0b: ThIs GiAnT bUcKeT oF pOpCoRn Is FoR uS!

Everyone looked over at the Bobs.

B0b: WhAt?

(A few minutes later...)

(Y/N): Well, that was something.

Meggy: Bob got arrested... Why?

Antasma: He deserved it for the prank he did on Infinite and Crystal ten years ago!

Crystal: Oh, yeah...

Infinite: Fuck... I hated that.

SB123 B0b: No! My HoMeY!

(Two hours later...)

Infinite: Still a great goddamn film as always.

(Y/N): Imagine if Yondu was in Infinity War or Endgame.

Crystal: Well, the Chitauri would of been fucked. *Giggle*

Machito: Right on, bro.

Infinite: How about we just have a Marvel watching spree?


(Well, one more part... At the end, again.)

Anyways, lata!

Meggy X Reader: EndgameWhere stories live. Discover now