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The... person, that stood above me looked like a human; at least I hope it was.
It had a dark blue hoodie that covered every part of him, the face was covered as well with a blue mask; where the eyes should be, there's two dark circles with black tar dripping from it.

It's figure blocked the full moon, making it cast its own kind of shadow upon me; making the situation somewhat more terrifying.

It knelt on me, now straddling my hip as I wildly tried to thrash my way out, of course that didn't work since his weight over powered me.
"Who the fuck are you?!" I screamed obviously frustrated and out of breath from running. With one arm, it pinned both of my arms down by my side and shoved the other hand in its pocket, looking like it was getting something.

"The better question is," it started; the voice sounding demonic and almost masculine, causing me to shiver.
"Who the fuck are you?" It, or he, breathed, slowly revealing the object that he kept safely tucked away in his pocket.

Well this is fucking amazing! Right when I almost had freedom I get caught and now I'm going to die.

The object reflected the moons iridescent light and I finally got a good look at it, it was a... scalpel?
He looked down at my hoodie and slowly lifted it up to show my bare stomach.

"I mean, I've never seen a human actually dumb enough to be seen so deep in the forest... but, now that I think of it... I never saw you actually enter here in the first place." It inquired.
The thing lowered its weapon on top of my stomach, the cold scalpel pressing against my skin.
"Well, it doesn't really matter... I mean, either way I'll get my food and you'll end up... I don't know, somewhere I guess." It muttered.
I closed my eyes waiting for the pain to explode through my body... but it never came.
I felt the weight get lifted off of me and I opened my eyes to see Clockwork and the thing on the floor hitting each other.

"Natalie! What the-" "Get away, Jack! She's MY kill and NOT yours!" Clockwork screamed.
The thi- Jack punched Clockwork in the face and an awful cracking noise erupted. Jack left, hesitantly running back in the direction in where he came from.

I looked over at Clockwork and gasped as I saw blood smeared all over her face from her nose.
She looked at me sternly and put her bloody hand out.
"Phone. Now." She said bluntly like I was a little child and she was the parent.

"No! You can't just take control over my life! The fact that you keep me locked up is bad enough!"
Of course that's what I would've said if she wasn't so pissed.
Instead, I got up, looked down and reluctantly handed my phone over to the psychopath.

Clockwork shoved it in her pocket and gestures for me to walk back into the deep parts of the forest... the place where I risked my life to escape.


Hello small amount of people reading this.
If you actually like this book, I'm sorry that this is a short chapter... I'm kinda busy at the moment and have met with the terrible fate of writers block.
I promise I'll think of something and update soon, till then, bye!😅

— Mirror

Tick tockजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें