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       "There you are, you little bitch!"

    I stared at the girl. She looked around my age; her dull brown hair was short and seemed to be in clumps mixed with mulch and dirt. She wore a zipped up blueish grey sweater that was covered in a black liquid, the inside of the hood was coated in messy rough fur.
This didn't scare me though.
The thing that scared me the most
was that she had a stitched
in smile with blood leaking from
the corners and a clock jammed into
her eye socket.
I looked down to her glove covered hands and saw two gleaming
Well shit.
"Uh... I have money... I-if you want that." I hesitate trying to sound as calm as possible. She looked at me oddly then scoffed, taking a few steps towards me.
I tried to take a few steps backwards but failed as my back just hit the kitchen table, making me wince in pain. "I don't want your money. I want the toy." Her voice was hoarse and
somewhat demanding.
I exchanged the odd look
she gave me from before and stifle a laugh. "Wait, so you b-break into my house and s-scare me to death... all for a stuffed giraffe?" I question her, getting a sudden boost of confidence.
She rolled her eyes, obviously exaggerated by the way I was dealing with this situation. "The toy is impor-" "Does it have money in it or something? Cause money's important..." I say bluntly. I look up to see her narrow eyes drilling holes into mine.

"Sorry..." I mumble, looking down. "Like I was saying the toy's important. If you don't give it to me, we'll..." she made a motion, lightly moving the knife along her neck.
As soon as I got the hint my eyes widened and my heart pounds hard enough to break my rib cage.
I looked around the room nervously for an escape of some sort.

I could turn around and go through the front door... only if she wasn't right beside me; maybe I could lie to her and say it's upstairs, leading me to attempt to jump out the window.

"...so? Where is it?..." she asked annoyed, fidgeting around with her knives.

"I-It's upstairs I-I'll go get it..." I keep my head down, praying that she believes my lie. I walk towards the stairs until I feel her arm slither around my waist, forbidding me to move from my spot. I look at her, trying to play a poker face. She removes her hand from my waist, her eyes narrowing. "I know you're lying, do you really think that I would still be on the run if I was as naive as you? Now, stop wasting my time and tell me... where. It. Is."

Her face scrunched up at the word time, like it was some kind of forbidden curse.

I open my mouth a few times but every time I did no sound would ever come out.
Dying isn't that bad... is it?
"W-well, you see, I- uh... I-I sorta gave it to m-my niece?" I finally managed to get out. A long silence drifted through the air, containing her staring at me and me... just biting my lip. "... I'm not going to kill you." She finally answered expressionlessly. I looked her in the eye. "Wait, wha-" "I'm going to take you with me and torture you until you beg me to die."

"Why don't you just end me?" I asked. She stared at me for a couple of seconds before bursting out into a fit of laughter. I shuffled a few steps away, rubbing my arm with my hand.

"You idiot, I said that thing was important! Now I can't get it back because you gave it away!" She pointed the knife at me accusingly.

"Why don't you just get it back?"
I inferred, trying to buy some time.
"Well... I-I can't just leave and go to wherever your niece lives.
I must stay in a certain area...
and the area where your niece lives is not around here." She answered waving her arms around dramatically.

"Y-you don't even know anything about me though... you can't just kidnap a random person." I knit my brows together.

She stopped, put one hand on her hip and raised an eyebrow.

"Your name is Jamie Anastasia Hallewell. Your sex is female.
You dropped out of college when you just turned twenty leading your parents into getting a divorce. Your mother and father are Beverley and Fred Hallewell. You have a sister named Mary Diaz- Hallewell who is married to Santiago Diaz-Hallewell and they have a daughter, your niece, who's name is Lilly. You and your family also don't have a good relationship ever since you dropped out." She said all in one breath.

"Okay that's fair... I guess, but, how do you know about me?" I rolled my eyes.

"Over the passed week I went out of my way and did a little research on you, in other words... stalking; through observing you and researching about you on a random guys phone I took."
She laughed, almost proud of what she managed to do. Well, of course she would be, she's a... murderer.

"By the way I'm going to knock you out, sweetie. Just in case your dumb ass can't get that through your thick head when I do it." She sneered.

I look at her perplexed before feeling something hit the back of my head and everything turning black.

My eyes flutter open to see a ceiling... but not my ceiling. I sit up and look around.
The place looked sorta nice, nothing really out of the ordinary, somewhat like mine... but not exact. I turn around to see the girl that took me, my eyes widening. "You're awake, that's nice. I won't be torturing you today but I sure as hell will be locking you up." She grabbed my arms roughly and forced me to stand up. Once I did I attempted to punch her, but she was too quick. Going behind me and pinning my arms behind my back she whispered, "never mind, because of that, I will have to do something." She dragged me to a room, a room that looked somewhat like a bedroom.

Before I could react she forced me to the ground, putting her foot on my back forcing me to wheeze and cough. She grabbed my hair in one hand and a knife in the other. "Always remember the person who did this to you is Clockwork... that's my name and you will use it when I'm killing you, mentally and physically." Suddenly, my head felt lighter and she took her foot off releasing the pressure on my chest. I suddenly feel more scared then ever... knowing that she had done something.

"Enjoy your new hair cut.~" she laughed, closing the door.

My eyes widened as I felt around for my hair. It wasn't long anymore... it wasn't at my chin... it wasn't even covering my ears anymore! SHE CUT ALL OF IT!

I looked around the locked room, shivering violently. I spot the discards of my hair that Clockwork cut off and start to tear up, running my fingers through my now short hair.
Damn, she's crazy.

She broke into my house

Kidnapped me

Locked me in a room

And traumatized me....

All for a stuffed giraffe? It doesn't make sense though... I mean, she wouldn't just keep me hostage for that. There must be another reason, and if I want to get out alive... I must find out why...

Tick tockNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ