My eyes widened when my father took an aggressive step forward, backing me up against one of our marble countertops. "No daughter of mine is going to be a high school dropout. You've already made me a laughing stock at work because of the way you dress and the friends you have." He pulled me forward before slamming me back again causing me to cry out in pain.

"George!" My mother screamed when she heard my cry but he didn't back away. His eyes were on fire as he stared down at me.

"Don't you dare make excuses for her," He barked causing her to take a careful step backwards, "Your little friend died of a drug overdose. She was a fucking junkie Rosemary and I swear if I ever see you popping pills or shooting something into your body, I will kill you myself." His voice was dark as he said these words, "Tomorrow morning you will get up, dress in nice attire, and go to school. You will meet with all of your teachers after class and explain to them that there was a death in the family. You will ask for an extension on all work missed. Am I clear?"

My body was paralyzed in fear. The man who I had grown up adoring, the man who introduced me to the Beatles, and the man who had held me when I was scared of the monsters in my closet had just threatened my life.

Ever since I was little, I had never seen him be so aggressive toward anyone, not even when someone cut him off while driving. "Am I clear?" Somehow, I managed to give a slight nod which resulted in him stepping away and by body falling limply on the floor.

My mother immediately rushed over to my side, looking over my neck to make sure no marks had formed. A disgusted look was on the man's face as he took another swig from his beer bottle before retreating back to the porch. Tears brimmed my eyes and I couldn't suppress the sobs anymore.


I'd locked myself in my room after the encounter downstairs. At some point my mom dropped my dinner outside my door, even though my father protested.

My record player was softly playing Call Me by Blondie as I stared at the dark ceiling above me. By now, my parents would be asleep, but I couldn't find the motivation to get up. My mind wandered back to the record store this morning.

"Maybe Wyatt would take me back if I promised to be better..." Even the thought of subjecting myself to that relationship yet again made me sick to my stomach. My father loved Wyatt and always told me that he was going to be my only shot at having a successful husband.

A soft tapping brought me out of my thoughts. "What the hell?" Dave stood at my window, grinning like a madman with his lighter illuminating his face. "What are you doing here?" I slid the old window up slowly, hoping to keep the wood from squeaking. That would be all I need...

"Well you bailed on dinner, so I asked Mary where you lived when I dropped her off," He crossed his arms and leaned against the old wood. "I figured you could sneak out so I take you somewhere."

It's not like I didn't want to run off with Dave, but after the events with my father tonight I knew it wasn't a good idea. "I don't think it's a good idea..."

"Really? Now's the time you're going to go all good girl on me?" He chuckled and leaned forward so he was looking into my room. His playful deminer changed though when he noticed the bags under my eyes. "Have you been crying?"

I shook my head and looked away from his prying brown eyes, "Dave can you please just leave? I have to go to school in the morning." My voice cracked slightly at the thought of going to the brick building down the road which was his que to crawl through the small window and pull me into his arms.

"Tell me what happened." There was no hesitation, no questioning tone, or even annoyance. His grip was tight, and I immediately melted into his warm touch, silent sobs escaping me as he lightly rubbed my back. The two of us stood there for what felt like years as I let out the pent-up emotions caused by my father.

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