headcanon (Sai)

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You almost didn't know what to say to him when he asked you to marry him. It came out of nowhere! One minute you two were at a little restaurant, courtesy of your boyfriend, for your lunch break and the next thing you know, you're chewing on a platinum diamond ring.

Of course you said yes. You'd been with him for more than two years and knew him from the back of your hand and could definitely say the same. You loved each other so much.

So much so that he wanted to take your last name.

Though you never learned his last name, and never pushes him to tell you, you didn't know what to say when he wanted to take yours.

L/N Sai. Now that's something.

When asked why, he said that you gave him a home. You were there for him and stuck with him, even through his emotional problems. You supported him and loved him so much, the least he could do to repay you was to take your last name.

He never advidly spoke of his childhood but when mentioned, he implied it was unpleasant and there was definitely nothing for him. With you, he felt as if he got a clean slate. Another chance to be better.

And he did. As L/N Sai, your husband.

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