Househusband (Gaara)

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Theme song:
Have you ever~ Brandy

Love language:
Physical touch

Gaara had just been crowns Kazekage when the two of you met. You met through a mutual friend, Rock Lee, while he was visiting Konoha and immediately hit it off! Welly, at least on your end.

He was shy, reserved, and a little mysterious which intrigued you. You also thought he was adorable as well.

He on the other hand liked you yes but was too shy to do or say anything. Though, he found himself often thinking about you, especially when being cooped up on that office if his doing paperwork. He thought there was no sense in thinking about you and yet you've only spoken once so he tried to take his mind off of you but it didn't work. He could never get that image of your joyous smile out of his head so he decided to do something about it.

Gaara called up Lee and asked about you and his heart skipped a beat when he heard you in the background. You, a jonin, were there treating the little genins and their sensei, Lee, to a lunch break at the barbeque steakhouse. He passed the phone to you and told you who it was. You immediately walked away from the group and hesitantly said


He swore his heart skipped a beat when he heard your voice. He stuttered throughout the whole conversation which was short and sweet. He asked you about your job and other small casual conversations. Towards the end of the call, he really struggled through it but thankfully, you cut him off and instead, you asked him on a date. He immediately shouted yes, it was so loud guy had to pull the phone away from the phone.

It was cute.

After the first date, you two carried on and eventually lead to your marriage to him two years later.

Marriage Life:
The best way to describe your marriage to Gaara was fluffy and sweet. Sure, he looks intimidating on the outside but under that sand armor and cold expression, he's a soft, shy and reserved guy with a gooey center. The sweetest man you've ever known.

This baby is so touch starved. Because of his childhood, he had a little trouble expressing how he felt through words during the first year or two. So with that, you learned to communicate through touch.

If he was feeling lonely, he wrap his arms around you waist from behind and burry his head on the crook of your neck. If he was upset, he'd take you hand and put it in between his hands but won't look at you. If he was happy, he hug you so tight and won't let go unless you asked.

He's gotten better over the years you've been married but every now and again, he slips back into those old habits. You don't mind though, after all you've become well versed in his language for a reason.

When he was younger, he didn't want any kids. He was too afraid that he might hurt them, that the tailed beast would transfer and terrorize him. That is until he was taken from him and killed. After that process however, he connected more with Shukaku and eventually it came easier to control him and treat him as an equal.

Since then, he's been optimistic about rasing a child if that's what you wanted.

If you did want children, the two of you adopted due to a condition you had developed from being a ninja. Back as a Chunin, you were on a mission to bring in a dangerous rogue ninja from the mist killing innocent by passers and taking there valuables near the leaf. You and your team eventually caught up to him and took him down but not before you suffered injury. The rogue ninja caused damage to your pelvis, specifically your right ovaries by stabbing you with a poison covered blade. Of course you survived but the idea of having kids natural were shattered. The tragedy rocked your wold but you learned to live and push through it.

You two adopted two children, twins, as toddlers and raised them as if they were your own. With them being here, the Kazakage worked from home until they were big enough to be left alone. If he had to do a meeting and you were doing work, you still had connections to the leaf and would go back in fourth for important things, he'd have them sit in the meetings which would completely derail the meetings because everyone would koo over the twins. Though, Gaara didn't mind one bit. He'd rather be with them anyway.

Domestic Activities:
Even before you met him, Gaara loved plants and had numerous in his home despite living in the desert.

About time you two got married, you helped him develop his own greenhouse filled with various flowers, herbs, vegetables, and fruits. Everyday, he'll walk to the greenhouse before work and talk to and water each and every one of them. They were his babies after all.

He really enjoys gardening with you. It brings him heat joy to see you genuinely enjoy his favorite activity and vise versa.

You love to bake, even if you're not that good, and try to get him involved in your experimental creations, especially of it's for the kids. Though they never turn out the way you want them to, you two have fun regardless.

Random things he does for you:
Whenever you have to travel back to the leaf, Gaara always sends you off with a lunch box full of all the fruit and vegetables grown in the greenhouse. Beside it is a drawn on happy face sticky note. On the back, he writes I love you with a small heart as the dot in the i.

Another he does is give you gifts made from his sand like a flower or a vase. You always find it so fascinating when he does that.

 You always find it so fascinating when he does that

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