Chapter 10 - Hard-Ass

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Rafe had left the room to do God knows what while Jayne was finishing getting her bags packed The door to the room opened, and she was surprised when she saw Nadine's figure walk through into the room. "Rafe's not here." Jayne noted as she kept her focus on folding her clothes neatly into her suitcase before she closed the lid and zipped it up.

"I'm well aware of that, Jayne. I actually came to speak with you." Nadine's muscular arms crossed over her chest. Jayne always envied Nadine's tough exterior and build, but she knew that didn't just come naturally. It took work - lots of work. And besides her already vigorous work out routine to keep her body in the shape it was in, she didn't have the drive to be a hard-ass militant like Nadine.

"Oh. Well. I'm here." Jayne's hand went to her hip as Nadine sauntered forward. "You should've listened to me when I told you not to join Rafe and I when speaking with Mr. Sullivan last night."

"And, why's that, Nadine?" Jayne asked, her arms crossing tightly over her chest. Nadine sighed before her body relaxed. "Jayne. You know Rafe has gotten, well, crazy since this cross was uncovered." 

"I believe the correct word would be 'crazier', Nadine."

Nadine nodded and smiled a surprisingly friendly smile before continuing. "I was trying to protect you, keep you out of ear shot of his little tantrum. They've been a bit more...outlandish in the past few months."

Jayne sighed. She was well aware of Rafe's unhinged behavior and even had tried speaking to him about it on more than one occasion, but her default became that she would just avoid him - much like she did in the earlier times in their relationship. "As much as I appreciate it Nadine, it's nothing I haven't witnessed before. Besides, it was good to see Victor again."

"You have history with the Drakes, yes? Rafe wouldn't divulge much to me. Said it didn't matter, but I clearly think it does." Nadine's demeanor changed to harsh once more, like a flick of a switch.

"I do, yes, however it doesn't concern you or this little treasure. I don't give a damn who finds it, I would prefer it not end in someone's life being taken, but I feel like that might be wishing for too much." Jayne's eyes narrowed as she crossed her arms tightly against herself. "That - That is not what I meant, Jayne. I'm not stupid. I know Sam would disappear at random times for hours. Rafe chalked it up to him being a bit laid back and not wanting to work constantly, which I'm sure was partially true, but I'm also aware of him being alone in the house with you on more than one occasion."

Jayne tried playing dumb, a feat that would be truly spectacular if she managed to convince Nadine. "I'm not sure what you're getting at, Nadine. Yes, Sam and I were...together, before he got stuck in that damned prison. But I'm married to Rafe now. And I love Rafe."

"I don't doubt that, Jayne. I never doubted your loyalties, and to be honest, this won't make its way back to Rafe, you have my word, as your marriage is not my concern. But I'm not as convinced as Rafe that your feelings for Sam are totally gone, or that they ever truly left."

Jayne sighed heavily, her eyes closing as she felt caught by Nadine, and slightly worried that she would blackmail her, or use that to force Rafe to do something more drastic. "Dammit, Nadine. I do love Rafe." She wouldn't give Nadine the satisfaction of her confirming her feelings for Sam.

It was uncharacteristic and unexpected, but Jayne felt Nadine's hand on her shoulder. "I can't say I envy you, dear. But you know if Rafe finds out...that would not be good. I have a feeling we will be seeing more of Sam, and I can't guarantee his safety as much as I can guarantee Rafe's. Keep that in mind."


It was later in the morning when Rafe brushed the hair from Jayne's waking face. Jayne and Rafe had been back in Scotland for a few weeks after the auction fiasco, and were enjoying a leisurely morning just snuggling in bed. Rafe was finally sleeping more frequently with his wife, much to Nadine's disapproval that he tried to get back to Jayne earlier than Nadine would've liked. The radio on the nightstand crackled to life with Nadine's voice coming in on the other end.

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