Chapter 4 - It's Been Too Long

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11 Years Later

Jayne and Rafe had officially been married for a little over 3 years now. Their relationship was turbulent, but whose weren't these days? She loved him, more than she could possibly imagine, and he loved her too. Jayne felt that Rafe would be more apt to show his affections for her when this damned treasure was found, if it even existed. In the past 11 years, Jayne had watched things change: Nathan ditched Rafe because of his obsessive behavior with Henry Avery's treasure and Rafe's unhealthy obsession continued to grow. She heard Nathan had settled down and found himself a lovely girl to marry, but she wouldn't believe it until she saw it. Rafe's most recent partnership came a little over year ago when Nadine Ross began providing Rafe with Shoreline manpower and protection, much to Jayne's disapproval.

Jayne was never the jealous type, but it irritated her beyond belief that her husband was spending more late nights and more time with this woman than with his own wife. Rafe constantly was putting out fires with Jayne, sending her roses, sending her out for spa days, sending her shopping for dresses so he could take her to extravagant galas, and even buying a new car when things really hit the fan. Rafe obviously didn't realize that a lot of this would've been avoided with him just taking her to dinner or putting his treasure hunt on hold for a couple of days, tops. He did that once since they were married, and she's still waiting for their yearly anniversary trips to take place like he promised they would.

"Rafe, just tonight, please. It's just dinner." Jayne begged as she placed her hands on Rafe's chest, her hand curling under the collar of his shirt. "Jaynie, I'm so close to something. I've got a trip to plan, and I can't be distracted right now, you know that." Rafe put his finger under Jayne's chin and pursed his lips at her before giving her a quick peck on the lips. "Baby, you say that every time. An hour. That's all I need. Look, I've already got dinner in the oven." Rafe let out a quick sigh as he relaxed his shoulders and laced his fingers behind Jayne's back. "Well, I guess Nadine and I can go over some things at dinner then."

Jayne bit the inside of her cheek. "No. No Nadine."

"Is that jealously I'm detecting, darling?"

Jayne's arms crossed as Rafe pulled her in closer to his body. "I don't get jealous Rafe. I do get angry from not really seeing my husband for the last, oh I don't know, 6 months? Plus, when was the last time we even slept in the same bed? I miss you honey. I miss us. I miss that thing you do for me when I'm really pouty." Jayne stood up on her toes and gave a soft, lustful kiss to Rafe's lips as her hands landed on his cheeks. "And I'm sure that you miss that thing that I can do for you when you're super stressed out." She stuck her bottom lip out and began fiddling with the zipper on Rafe's jacket.

"Hmm. Well, I guess I can set some things to the side for tonight. But tomorrow I'm jetting off for a few weeks, and I cannot reschedule this." Rafe pressed his lips into Jayne's as she smiled.

"That's fine," Jayne said with a little shrug, her fingers slipping under the waist band of Rafe's jeans. "I just need tonight."


Rafe flew off to wherever it was he was going a few weeks ago. He wouldn't tell Jayne, only told her that Nadine knew where he was, and Jayne was not about to go crawling to Nadine for information. Though she didn't have anything against Nadine, Jayne just knew her reputation for being a hardass, which was very evident. The woman didn't care about Rafe's personal life, which suited Jayne fine as she didn't want Nadine to know about Rafe's personal life; however, that meant that Nadine didn't care about Rafe getting back to his wife at a respectable hour, nor did she care if he even saw Jayne period. The fact that Nadine preferred that Rafe spent every waking hour working on this damned treasure was not helpful as Rafe didn't need her help feeding the obsession - he was quite capable of making that happen on his own.

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