Chapter 2 - The Prison

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Not long after Jayne and Sam spent the most sensational night either one of them had ever experienced, they soon clicked. Jayne found herself around Sam almost every waking moment. They had a lot more in common than she expected, and it was a pleasant surprise to Jayne that Sam hung around. She hadn't experienced a whole lot of one night stands, but the couple that she had usually ended up with the guy never talking to her, or only calling her when he needed some booty, which she quickly put an end to.

Within the first few months, Sam was beginning to open up to her more and more about the reason he and Nathan have been so infatuated with Henry Avery. Slowly, it became more clear that this wasn't just a hobby. It was adorable to watch him fantasize about what he was going to do with the money from the treasure, but Jayne didn't get her hopes up. Nathan and Sam had been hitting dead ends at every turn. That is, until they met the ever charming, completely loaded with silver spoons and all, Rafe Adler. Sure, Rafe was a handsome man and could probably charm the skin off a snake, but Jayne only had eyes for Sam.

It appeared, over the months that the Drakes and Rafe spent together, that Rafe was just as infatuated with this 'treasure' as Sam and Nate. Rafe never gave Jayne any reason not to like him, and when they'd go on little hunts, Rafe almost always paid their way; as a student trying to make ends meet, she welcomed that. It got to the point where they began talking about Panama more and more. Jayne wasn't planning on joining the boys, but once Sam let it slip on exactly what they would be doing, Jayne said she was going to stow away if Sam didn't make it so she could come - what else was he to do?

How they were so confident in this plan was beyond her. Stowing away into a Panamanian prison just to search through a 17th Century Pirate prison to maybe find a hint of treasure, or at best a clue as to where a treasure may be hidden - if it even existed. Jayne had her doubts, voiced her concerns and as Sam, Nathan and Rafe all said, her concerns were noted. Jayne didn't envy them though, the thought of breaking into a jail was what movies were made of, and she had no intention of bringing that to her life. If they wanted to be stupid, she wasn't going to have any part of it but Jayne also wasn't going to sit back while her boyfriend, his brother and their rich friend attempted to get a foothold on this treasure.

"You promise me, you won't do anything stupid...errrr than breaking into this damn prison." Jayne said to Sam in their hotel room as he got himself dressed and packed his bag. He smiled and hung his head and she just knew the rebuttals were about to come flying. "Jaynie, babe? I told you. Rafe paid off some guards and we'll be very well taken care of. Well as good as a Panamanian prison can take care of someone. We won't get stabbed or anything, I hope. Maybe a little beat up, but that's about it." She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, looking completely unimpressed.

"You can't look at me like that. We don't have time for round two, you little minx." Sam said as he went to kiss her lips but she turned her head and he connected his lips with Jayne's jawline. He took a deep breath and sighed, his hand cupping her cheek as he stared her in the eyes. "I promise. Everything will be fine. We'll make it back and then we'll be one step closer to Henry Avery's treasure. And just think - then I can get you that huge house and that gorgeous diamond ring. And I can take care of you like I want to. It's for us, babe."

"Don't make me feel guilty about you going in there. I can live just fine without a share of 400 million dollars. Been doing so for the last 23 years, Sam." Jayne pursed her lips and began chewing on the inside of her lip as she tried hiding her severe irritation with this man. "Always gotta rub in that age gap, don't you sweetheart." Sam nudged her chin with his thumb as he picked up his bag and slung it over his shoulder.

"Just please Sam." Jayne said as he kissed her cheek. "Baby, I promise. Everything is going to be fine." Sam gave her a heated kiss and left the hotel room as she took the deepest most unsettling breath she had ever taken in her life as she settled in for the longest two weeks of her life.

Stolen Love: Rafe Adler v Sam Drake: A Love TriangleWhere stories live. Discover now