The Beginning (1)

Start from the beginning

I get up from my seat in our trailer and head over to him. I soon pick him up and swing him in the air making him laugh even harder. We all start to head outside to get ready for the show. Richard, of course, doesn't perform yet considering he's only 2 but he always watches the show from the sidelines with Mr.Haly and he is well-behaved enough to sit still while he announces the acts.

We get half way to the main tent when I see Mr.Wayne coming towards us. By now Richard is walking between me and Mary holding both are hands in his smaller ones.

When we finally meet up with Mr.Wayne, I automatically extend my hand, as does he, and we shake hands.

"Mr.Wayne, it's so nice to meet you. We never got the chance to thank you for what you did for us last time we were in Gotham." I said happily.

"There's nothing to thank me for Mr.Grayson. I couldn't let a perfectly good circus go bankrupt from one little accident." Mr.Wayne said with a small smile that you would think was genuine if you didn't know him.

"Well, I wanted to thank you anyway. You didn't just help the circus, you saved our family. Without your help my injure may not have healed and we'd have to leave. So thank you."

"Your welcome, Mr.Grayson"

"Please call me John. Well, we have to get ready for the show. It was nice to finally meet you. I hope you enjoy the show."

"Of course"


Normal POV

"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!BOYS AND GIRLS! THE MOMENT YOUVE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR! THE AMAZING FLYING GRAYSON'S!!!" Mr.Haly announced to the audience as he points their attention to the top of the tent at the end where the spotlights go to reveal two people standing on opposite podiums.

Mr.Haly slowly makes his way back to Richard and picks him up and sets him on his lap as the small boy looks up at his parents as they do flips and twists that seem almost impossible to the human body.

John swings upside down on the trapeze bar with his hands stretched out for Mary to jump from her platform and grasp her hands. Mary jumps and right as she took her husbands hands there was a snap and all of a sudden they could feel themselves falling and the sound of gasps and screams hit their ears.

Mr.Haly hides Richards face in his chest just it time for a loud thud and the sound of bones braking to hit everyone's ears.


Bruce's POV

I can't believe what I just saw. I had talked to the nice family less than an hour ago and now they were dead.

Suddenly I realize something. The boy. The child would have no where to go. There's a small chance that the circus might be allowed to raise him, instead child services would most likely say that it wasn't a suitable environment to live without parents.

Its been about an hour and a half since the accident and the police got here long ago. Just then I see a lady with Mr.Haly, the boy, and Commissioner Gordon. I make my way down there knowing full well what their discussing.

Gordon sees me as I reach them and gives a confused look, "Mr.Wayne? What are you doing here?"

"I saw what happened. I wanted to see if there was anything I could do."

Gordon gave me a sad look, "I'm afraid not Mr.Wayne. The police checked the ropes used in the act tonight. There are signs of tampering. It was sabotage."

That was last thing I expected to hear, but I kept my serious demeanor and hoped no one saw the surprise that seeped through my expression.

"Do you have any idea who did it?"

"Mr.Haly says that before the show a man, Tony Zucco, wanted him to pay protection money. Mr.Haly refused saying they weren't that kind of circus, but he would have done it if he'd known this would have happened."

I look over at Mr.Haly to see that he's holding the half asleep boy in his arms, tears still streaming down his face. I look at Mr.Haly's expression to see that he clearly blames himself for the incident that occurred tonight.

"You couldn't have known that that man would do something as extreme as this Mr.Haly. You can't blame yourself." I turn back to Gordon, "Do you know where Tony Zucco is now?"

"No, he's no where to be found."

I'm deep in thought when I ask the question I've been scared to ask until now. "What will happen to the boy?" I ask sparing a glance at the sad child.

I see the lady that hasn't said a word this entire time step forward. "Ms.Willis, Child Services. All of the orphanages in Gotham are full so I'll have to take him to the Juvenile Detention Facility until a spot opens up."

I give her an angry glare, "Why can't he stay with the circus? They've known him since he was born."

She gives me the answer that I expected from her, "A circus is no place for a child to be raised especially without parents."

"Well neither is a Juvenile Facility." I say lividly. I try to think of something that will save this innocent boy from this fate. Then, it comes to me. "I'll take him in."

"What?" both Gordon and Ms.Willis say in unison.

"I'll adopt him. I can give him whatever things he needs and I'm sure my home is a more suitable environment than Juvenile Detention.

"Well yes, but....." Ms.Willis tried to counter but Mr.Haly interrupted her.

"Would you really do that Mr.Wayne? I can't thank you enough!"

Gordon then steps in, "Well its settled then.Richard can stay with you tonight Mr.Wayne and then tomorrow you can come down to the GCPD and get it official." Gordon turns to Mr.Haly, "I'm sure Richard has some possessions that he would like to take with him?"

"Yes, of course" Mr.Haly answers.


Bruce's POV

After getting Richard's things, Mr.Haly explained to Richard that he'll be living with me from now on but that he could visit whenever they come to Gotham, Richard saying goodbye to all the circus people he's grown up with, and a short ride back to Wayne Manor, I find myself in the spare bedroom across from mine.

I gently lay the sleeping child on the bed that's much to big for him and making him look even more fragile then he is. I see the soft rise and fall of his small chest and all the anger and sadness I've carried with me since my own parents death disappear within seconds.

I now know that the only thing important in my life is to keep this boy safe and happy. My soon to be son.

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