Mother Spider || Part 2

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The avengers looked up when they heard the elevator ding, excited and nervous to hear Natasha's news. She told them that she had big, almost life-altering news and then left, so, they did what any natural human would do and bet against each other.

-one hour earlier-

"I think she's gotten married," Sam said. "Five bucks from all of you if she is married."

"No way, it's probably something more subtle. Maybe she's moving away? She's quitting the avengers? Ten bucks." Clint said.

"If she was quitting the avengers, why would she leave?" Wanda asked.

"Because she's getting forms to sign...?" Pietro suggested.

"Nah way, she probably has a secret kid or something. Fifty bucks it's a kid." Tony said.

"Why would she keep the kid a secret?" Captain asked.

"Because she doesn't exactly lead the safest life so by keeping it a secret, she's protecting the kid." Banner explained.

-_-time skip-_-

Now, back to when they heard the elevator ding, they all stood up and looked in the direction of the elevator, excited to hear the news, but ended up being confused when the doors opened to reveal Natasha talking to the roof.

"Peter, I swear to God, get down from there. " Natasha said, looking at the boy who was currently hanging from the roof.

"Nat, you okay?" Tony asked, grabbing his mug of coffee off of the coffee table and taking a sip.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just...." Nat said, now trying to pry Peter's leg off of the ceiling. "Holy shit kid! get down!" One final tug caused Peter to fall to the ground with a thud, groaning in the process.

Nat helped Peter stand up and they exited the elevator, the doors closing behind them. "Guys, this is Peter... My son." 

"I KNEW IT!!!!!!!" Tony shouted, startling Peter a little. Everyone groaned and handed him fifty bucks each, slapping it into his open hand.

Peter's eyebrows creased in confusion. They bet on him? Meanwhile, Nat stood by, watching in amusement as they all paid Tony.

"As if you don't have enough money!" Clint said, reluctantly handing him the 50 dollar bill.

"ANYWAYS!..." Nat said, catching everyone's attention once again. "This is Peter. Peter, these are the Avengers."

"Hi," Peter said timidly, giving a small wave.

Wanda squealed loudly causing Peter to cover his ears from the noise. It already hurt everyone's ears but with his senses dialed to 11, it was even worse. Wanda ran over to Peter and hugged him tightly, catching him by surprise, his eyes bugging out of his head with his body rigid from the sudden contact. 

Wanda stepped back, "Hi Peter! I'm Wanda, and can I just say you are so cute and I wanna squish your cheeks an-"

"Okay, Wanda, give the poor kid some space!" Tony said, lightly grabbing her shoulders to move her backward.

Natasha walked forward to stand beside Peter who was obviously nervous about meeting new people, let alone the Avengers.

"Hey kid, I'm Steve... though you probably knew that," Steve said, holding his hand out for a handshake.

Peter reached out and shook his hand, smiling a little bit so as to not be rude.

"Hell'uva grip you got there," Steve said.

The elevator doors opened behind them to reveal Thor, though no one paid attention until Thor's booming voice came from behind Peter.

"HELLO MIDGUARDIAN HEROES, I HAVE RETURNED FROM ASGARD," Thor shouted unintentionally, scaring Peter so he jumped onto the roof.

"Holy shit!" Clint said, looking at the boy who was now on the roof.

"Oh yea, another thing. Peter is spiderman,"

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