Field Trip

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Quick A/N, Thanks for clicking on my book :) I've read lots of these field trip chapters so I decided 'why not write my own?' Enjoy!!


The bell rang, signalling the end of the school day, but before people could leave, the teacher began shouting.

"People, Before you leave I have a field trip form for you all! We were lucky enough to score a trip to the Avengers compound. Get them signed as fast as you can and bring them in. Make sure you hand them in to your T/A's or else you won't be able to go." The teacher told them.

Peter's mouth hung open slightly and he looked over at Ned who was practically vibrating with excitement. Peter slammed his head on his desk and groaned, worried about going because his class might find out he's Spider-Man.

"What's the matter, Penis, worried that we might find out you're lying about your little internship with Stark?" Flash taunted.

Peter ignored him, picking up his bag and speed walking out the door, running to the train so he could go to the compound to have a little chit chat with Mr. Stark. He arrived and walked through the door, Friday greeting him as he scanned his pass.

"Hello Peter, would you like me to inform Mr. Stark of your presence?" She asked.

"No than- actually, yeah, that'd be great."

"Okay, informing Mr. Stark."

Peter walked up the stairs and to Tony's lab, the engineer working on some sort of new tech at his desk.

"Hello Peter, how was your day at school?" Tony asked.

Peter ignored his question. "Why are you inviting my science class to the compound for a field trip?" 

"Because why not?" Tony asked, turning around to face Peter. 

"People might find out that I'm Spider-Man!! Thor is terrible at keeping secrets and there is literally so many things here that could give away my secret!" Peter raised his voice.

"Relax Pete, everything will go fine. I've got people setting the place up to make sure your secret is safe. Besides, won't it be fun to show people your lab?"

"No, no it will not. I'm not showing them my lab! I've got a lot of Spider tech in there! It's such a mess!" Peter whined, sitting down in a stool by Tony's desk.

"Oh well, we'll just have to see how it goes then. Anyways, don't you have homework to do?"

~~~~ Time skip brought to you by Charles ---> └(^o^)┘~~~

The bell rung and the teacher told everyone to get on the bus. Peter's mind was buzzing with possible excuses to get out of this trip but his mind could only come up with breaking a bone or forcing himself to throw up, and he didn't want to do either of them. Ned sat down beside him and began rambling on how excited he was to be able to actually go to the compound while MJ was sitting in the seat across from them by herself, reading a book.

"Dude, I mean you practically live there and all so you are basically just touring your home but this is like a dream come true for me! I get to maybe, possibly meet the avengers! That'd be so amazing!!!!!" Ned gushed the whole was there until soon they were pulled up outside of the compound.

Everyone began exiting the bus and walking to the door where a tour guide was waiting for them, who Peter recognised as the new intern, Meghan. 

"Hey everyone and welcome to the Avengers compound! My name is Meghan and I'll be your tour guide for today. Now, I'm going to hand out your passes which will allow you to enter certain rooms. You all will get bronze passes which are for visitors or tourists like yourselves and they will expire by three thirty today, so you won't be able to get back in later." Meghan explained.

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