Sick Days

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Got this one from another book but I don't remember which one. I will change a bit of it though to make it more like my own :)

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A few days ago it was announced that for gym class, there would be competitive dodge ball with one person going against the other in a smaller space. The teacher, for some reason, decided it would be a good idea to put Flash against Peter, which everyone knew would not end well. There had been many dodge ball tournaments throughout the three days they had to practice and get used to it but that wouldn't help Peter in the long run. He couldn't exactly just be better at dodge ball, people would get suspicious so he knew he had to fake it and let Flash win even though he didn't want to. It was the afternoon before the day that the tournament would be  and Peter was debating whether it would be an okay idea to feign being sick and just skip school or injure himself in some sort of way so he would be forced to stay at home.

Of course, like any normal person, Peter just decided to fake being sick and began racking his memory for his symptoms of sickness. He could only think of a few; headache, nausea, runny nose, the works. He had a quick, warm shower to make his nose run and then began to get into the mindset of sickness and faked a headache and upset stomach. He then walked out into the living room of the compound and flopped down on the couch across from where Pepper was sitting, reading, making sure to groan a little to make it seem like his head hurt.

"What's the matter Peter?" Pepper asked him.

"I feel like sh- crap." Peter said, correcting his language so no one would get mad at him for swearing. "My head hurts. And my stomach." Peter told her, covering his eyes with his arm while laying there. He sniffled a little and closed his eyes, partially wanting to take a nap.

"Aw, honey, would you like some soup or something? Can I get you something to drink maybe?" Pepper asked him.

He mumbled out an 'okay' and Pepper walked off to the kitchen to grab those things. Peter lifted his head up and smiled a little to himself that it was working. He heard a few things being shuffled around in the kitchen and the microwave doing its heating business before Pepper walked out and set the stuff down on the coffee table.

"Sit up and eat some, it should help you feel better." Pepper told him.

He nodded weakly and sat up slowly, trying his very hardest to make it look like he was actually sick. He began eating the soup and Pepper went back to reading, glancing up every once in a while. She noticed how he was eating at a faster pace than he usually did when he was sick but pushed the thought to the side and thought of it as him just being hungry after a long school day. He finished the soup and drank some water before telling Pepper he was going to take a nap. Once out of sight, Pepper put her book down and took the dishes to the kitchen, taking the spoon to the lab to test and see what kind of sickness he had.

The response Friday told he was disappointing. Peter had lied to her and told her he was sick even though he wasn't. And that was enough for her already. Taking a picture of the diagnostics, Pepper walked up to his room quietly and slowly opened the door to see Peter playing games on his phone instead of napping like he said he was going to. Pepper smirked and closed the door again before knocking, almost laughing at the panicked shuffling coming from inside before she heard a silent whisper to come in.

"Hey Pete, how you feeling?" Pepper asked him, ready to expose him and his lie.

"Not much better. I think I'll have to stay home from school tomorrow." Peter told her, pulling the covers up farther.

"I don't think you will since you aren't really sick, hon. " Pepper told him, sitting down beside him and rubbing his shoulder.

"What do you mean?" Peter asked, his heartbeat picking up pace.

Pepper didn't say anything and just took her phone out, showing him the diagnostics picture. Peter groaned and sat up in bed, grumbling.

"Why did you lie? Why don't you want to go to school tomorrow?" Pepper asked him.

"Because I don't want to have my ass kicked in gym tomorrow by Flash."

"Well hon, I'm sorry but that's a part of life. You can't just skip out on things you don't want to do. And I know you are capable of kicking his ass so why don't you?" Pepper asked him, speaking gently.

"Because I couldn't do it before the spider bite so why should I be able to do it now? I'm different now but people don't know that so I'm actually not." Peter told her

"Right. You know I'm gonna have to tell Tony and the rest of the avengers about this, correct?"

"Yeah. Can I go to sleep now?" Peter asked, his eyes slowly closing.

"Sure. Night Peter." Pepper told him, covering him up a little and kissing his cheek as he drifted off to sleep.


Later that night, Peter woke up in the middle of the night with his stomach aching worse than ever. He got up and went to his bathroom, hunching over the toilet and emptying his stomachs contents into the bowl. He crawled back into his bed and drifted back into an uncomfortable sleep that was constantly disturbed by his aching body. He just wanted this to be done and over with already.


Peter crawled out of bed that morning, a sheet of sweat covering his forehead and his nose running. He thought about showering but was too weak to do so, so he settled on washing his face with a splash of water and getting dressed. He chose the most comfortable clothes he could find and walked out of his room, going to the kitchen to eat, even though he wasn't that hungry. He never was when he was sick.

"Morning Peter!" Nat chirped, somehow already wide awake and happy.

Peter moaned and stuffed his face into his arms that were folded in front of him, sniffling a little and trying to get into a position that didn't hurt too much.

"You alright?" Nat asked him.

"No. I'm gonna throw up." Peter grumbled, hardly noticeable.

"You know, it won't be that bad today, just try your best. Anyways, you should get going, your train is going to be there soon." Nat told him, handing him some money for his lunch and handing him his backpack with his books for the day.

Peter grumbled out a small goodbye and walked into the elevator, pressing the button for the main floor before sitting down on the floor, too dizzy to stand up. Friday told him he was on the bottom level and the doors opened, Peter getting out and slowly walking down the hall but he hardly made it anywhere when Happy rounded a corner, startling him.

"Geez, kid. Next time, let me know when you're coming around the corner like that." Happy grumbled.

Happy half expected to hear some sort of remark coming from the boy, but instead there was only silence. Happy look at the boy and noticed how pale he was looking as well as the bags under his eyes that were more defined and darker than usual. A little worried, Happy called down Pepper to check on the boy to make sure he was okay.

After a couple of minutes, pepper came around the corner as well and saw happy standing there with Peter, The boy did indeed look a little pale and pepper begin to become worried. Maybe Peter really was sick but the computer just didn't show anything.

"Hey Pete, let's get you upstairs and to bed, huh?" Pepper asked, genuinely worried for the boy.

Peter was about to nod but instead ran to a nearby trashcan and vomited, his whole body quivering with a fever. Pepper's stomach dropped as she felt terrible for the boy and began helping him up, calling someone to take care of the bin.

They rode the elevator up and Pepper helped the stumbling Peter to his bed before laying him down and taking his temperature. This time, he definitely wasn't lying about being sick, that's for sure.


Sorry, this chapter was more like Pepper X Peter but I hope you still enjoyed it. I also didn't know how to end it so that's why the ending is so rushed.

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