"Who's that super hot foreign lady?"

A couple of minutes in and Bitch-sensei entered the hall as well, looking fresh and new as if she hadn't fallen to her knees after reaching the plain ground. The wisps of her golden hair shone under the light coming from above and Nagisa was surprised that the hall hadn't started flooding with nosebleeds.

"Hey, Bitch-sensei was ready to drop just a few minutes ago, too." Sugino said from the back of the line.

"Quick recovery." After all, she was an assassin, so one ought not to be surprised.

As Karasuma-sensei and Bitch-sensei exchanged few words within themselves, ignoring the eyes of the students who were blatantly gawking at them. Whilst conversing, Bitch-sensei turned to the spot where Nagisa was standing and that couldn't be a good sign.

She sauntered over, "Oh yeah, Nagisa-kun." Uh oh.

"Hmm?" He tried imitating Karma's natural nonchalance and failed miserably.

"Now's my chance, now that octopus isn't around." The concept of personal space melted away like the last of snow did when spring arrived. Just a minor change that the spring was Bitch-sensei here, and that she was being a bit too casual about breaching someone's personal bubble unlike the gentle spring.

Instead of backing off and speaking like a normal human, she went on, "You've been keeping track of all of his weaknesses, right?" Putting her hands out like an entitled child, she demanded, "Let me borrow your notebook."

Eh, it was about his notebook on Koro-sensei's weaknesses, huh? "Huh?" Although, he was sure that she'd inspected every nook and cranny of his poor notebook and that nothing notable had transpired till then. So, why does she...? "But I already told you all of his useful weaknesses."

"Oh c'mon," her voice turned firmer, "give it to me already."

Shifting nervously and now concerned, he started, "But that's the-"

Ignoring his words, the blonde's smile only widened to a pleasant curve as she grabbed him by his back and shoved him right into her plentiful bosom. "Oh you!" She continued as if she wasn't suffocating him with her chest, "you're just trying to hide the really big stuffs."

"Or I'll smother you."

Whatever heavenly experience Okajima and Maehara were talking about while they were in the changing rooms turned out to be as shameful as he was expecting it to be. Maybe if it were some of the more perverted boys of the class, they would've enjoyed it but Nagisa was a slightly different case, he had never liked any sort of physical interaction before and this totally counted too.

After what felt like an eternity, Karasuma-sensei took pity on him and pulled the teacher off the younger boy. Thank goodness, Nagisa thought, regaining his breath and trying to wash out the fruity perfume Bitch-sensei had on her out of his nostrils by exhaling. That wasn't certainly a good experience at all.

As Bitch-sensei was being admonished by Karasuma-sensei, the assembly progressed on to a more important point. "All right!" Araki's voice blasted through the mic, "The student council events are explained in the handouts you've just been given."

Confusion rung through the whole of E-class. Okajima whispered to Fuwa, "Huh, what? Where are ours?"

To point the error in their speech, Isogai spoke up, "Excuse me sir! E-class didn't get any."

"Oh?" The ignorance in his voice was near patronizing, "You didn't get any? Now that's strange.." Speaking as if this were a joke to him (it probably was), a nasty smile formed on his face, "I'm sorry! It seems we forgot to make some for E-class. I guess you'll just have to memorize it before you leave."

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